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Damn, it feels good. I slept straight for twelve hours. It's been more than a month since I last had proper five hours of sleep.

Maybe it was the medications or the pain, I don't know. It worked fine.

I waited for her in the auditorium for fifteen minutes when she came, tucking her hair behind her ear. She sneezed, pressing her eyes shut and then exhaled a dee breath.

“Bless you.” I chuckled.

She didn't say anything just nodded. She wasn't in her usual chirpy self. Her face was also pale.

She came to sit on the bench. “Can we skip the dance today?” She whispered in a barely audible voice.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Mhmm.” She coughed, resting her head against the seat. “Why were you absent yesterday?”

“Had some work.” Work as in to go to the hospital and get stitches and blood tests done. Also, not to mention the training for next match instead of attending the school.

How do you know about it?” I asked, curiously.

“Really?” She rolled her eyes.

Have I mentioned earlier that she seems ten times cute when she does this thing with her eyes in annoyance?

“We share some of the classes, don't we?”

She scoffed at my question. “We were supposed to dance together for six days.”

I clenched my jaw and nodded. I can't afford that kind of luxury.

“Ugh, this headache will kill me.” She mumbled to herself.

“Are you okay?” I thought of touching her forehead to check her body temperature but then restrained myself.

My hands are covered in bandages from the bruises that I got during training with naked hand.

“Ya, let me get some water—” She stood up but then stumbled on her feet and fell on the floor.

I quickly get up to see if she's okay but she was unconscious. My mouth went dry and for a second, I stood there puzzled exactly what to do. Then I took her in my arms and rushed to the infirmary. 

The doctor checked on her and told that there's nothing to worry. She's having mild fever and cold.

I sat near the window and waited for her. She took the medicines and after taking rest for half an hour or so, She came to me. She cleared her throat and pressed fingers over her temple. “I hate getting sick. Mum will kill me with her nasty veggie soup.” She whispers.

“Go home and take rest.” I said.

“I'm good now. See, the temprature is dropping.” She gestured towards her forehead and tilted her face to me.

My breath stopped for a second, sensing her so close to me. Reluctantly I touched her forehead and then nodded, scooting little away from her.

“Still, go home.” I managed to compose my irregular beating of heart.

“Will you walk me home?” She asked, her eyes lightening and the same time, her necks turning red.


“Okay?” She asked, again to which I just shrugged.

“Follow me then.” She winked, grabbing her backpack.

Something's definitely not right here. I took the backpack from her. “Let me carry it and now you're going to tell me what's running through your pretty mind?”

“My mind's pretty?” She gave me side smile then she pulled her hair out of the rubber band and let them free.

Her hair bounced all over her shoulders and she loosened her neck tie.

I didn't mean to see her like this. Like the world just stopped around me? Around her.

She's pretty. She's the prettiest.

I followed her out of the school and as we walked a little, she played a song on her phone and plugs one of the earphone in my ear and the other one in hers.

Something nice played and we walked through the empty ally that was in the shade of trees.

“I know this place that sells excellent blueberry cupcakes and nice coffee. Can we go there, I'm hungry.” She asked.

“That was your plan all along, no?” I chuckled.

“Well, yeah and you can't say no to me.” She pointed her finger at me and then smiled.

When we reached a coffee shop, she grabbed the corner seat and sat across the table. I saw some costliest shit on the menu. The interior was classy and elegant unlike to any place that I've ever been.

Motherfucker. Who buys such expensive coffees and pastries? It'll cost me one week of earnings at both the pizza shop and the bar.

“Two blueberry cupcakes and two cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. And oh, please add extra sugar and hazelnut.” She ordered.

“So, it's third day, have I made any progress?” She asked.

“What progress?”

“In making you happy? You remember our six days deal, right?”

I licked my lips and turn the head to look out of the window in a hope to avoid her question. She didn't need to put any extra effort. Oddly, I enjoy her company more than I've enjoyed anything in my whole eighteen years of fucked up life.

“Here, try this.” She passed me the coffee and cupcake once the order arrived.

I raised my eyebrows. “You are fond of too much of sugar?”

She sip onto her coffee and a moan escaped passed her lips. “It's heaven.”

“You don't need to take me out on dates for making me happy.” I said.

She chocked on her drink and then stared at me with wide eyes. “Are we on date?”

Again the knots started twisting in my stomach but this time, the facial muscles of my mouth are fighting to let go of the smile that I'm trying my best to hold back.

“Bluberry cupcakes are your favourite?” Instead I asked her this.


“I'll keep this in mind for our next date.” And with that I smiled.

Her face turned beet red and she stated fanning herself. “It's too hot in here, no?”


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