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“Aren't you the cutest, little thing?” I said to the toy that Axel had won for me. I smiled, clutching it tightly to my chest.

My god, I had the best day with him. Axel Gray went on a carnival date with me. Wish I could flex this to the whole school. Everybody will go crazy. Well, it wasn't technically the date but still.

I really want to spill everything to Selena and Xavier but nah, I'm not going to take risks. I'll tell them everything after six days when I finally get the chance to lose my virginity to the guy I'm crushing on very much.

After changing the clothes, I went downstairs for the dinner. Dad raised his eyebrows when I kissed his cheeks and sat next to him on the couch.

I'm so happy. My heart will jump out in happiness. Axel.

“Something good happened to you?” He asked, chuckling.

“Yep.” I grinned.

“Is it about some boy?” Mum said, passing me bowl full of Mac & Cheese.

“No dinner tonight?” I dodged her question, trying to wipe out the wide smile from my face.

“Fine, don't tell me.” She said, faking a frown.

I know that she's trying to emotionally blackmail me but what else can I do? She's my mother and in this generation where teenagers don't share a proper relationship with their parents, I'm luckiest of them. Mum and Dad are my safe place. I've grown in a family where I recieved nothing but love. Though they're strict and sometimes I don't agree with them, I can't imagine my life without them.

Mum has always been my superhero and Dad, my best friend. I don't know if it's because of my Asian roots or something else but I don't have any sort of toxic relationship with them. It ain't like Asians don't have toxic family, sometimes they're worse but I guess I was just born lucky.

“There's this boy in the school. He's really good looking and everyone's crazy for him and uh, I talked to him.” I answered, subtracting all the details. 

Dad didn't say anything, he just chuckled and from Mum's expression, it was clear that she wasn't buying my answer.

I stuffed Mac and Cheese inside my mouth and drifted my attention to some documentry that Dad was watching on TV.

I wonder if Alex was having dinner with his family right now? Or what else might he doing right now? Sleeping? He told me that he likes to sleep. Was he wandering about me too? Geez, I'm getting so much into him.


He didn't come to school today and it's raining. I kissed my teeth in irritation and tapped my feet on the ground, waiting for the rain to stop so that I can go back to home. I've told Xavier and Selena in the morning that they don't need to wait for me after the school, I've to go somewhere but since Axel was my 'somewhere', now I'm struck.

I rolled my eyes then started walking in the rain and after walking for some distance, I saw the bar where he works. He might be here working, right? Should I go and see?

God, no. He will think of me as a stalker.

Should I go or not? I thought for a moment then decided to do a toss. I took the coin from my backpack and tossed it in the air and it turned out to be heads that means I should go and check on him, citing that he made a deal with me that he'd spend six days with me. Yeah, that's good, I can do that.

Anyways, It was my cue to go inside the bar both on heads and on tails. So, yep, I just flipped it for fun.

I went inside easily since it wasn't the rush hour and there weren't any gaurds to check ID. Once there, I scanned the surrounding and found that manager from the other night who was shouting at Axel for spilling drinks on me.

“Hey, um— Is Axel here yet?” I asked him.

He looked at me for a good second as if he was trying to remember me and then shook his head. “He works here on alternate days.”

“Oh. Anyways, thankyou.” I faked a smile.

“You know that guy?” He asked.

“We go to the same school. He's my project partner and tomorrow's is the deadline to submit the project yet I don't hear anything from him.” I lied.

“He might be drunk and dead somewhere.” He chuckled.

I nodded, turning around to leave.

God, I hate this man.

“By the way, he works alternately to this pizza shop in the next block, you can find him there, probably.” He added.

And with that, I rushed to the the pizza shop that he mentioned. It was small and cosy place with couple of customers since it was raining. The smell of freshly backed pizza and oregano entered my nostril. I smiled a little, mentally putting a note that I'm going to be regular here.

“Hey, Is Axel here?” I asked to the old man who sat on the cash counter.

He looked me up through his glasses and then at his wrist watch. “No dear, his shift starts at six.”

“Oh, okay. Thankyou.”

“I can call him to come early if you want.” He said, grinning.

I shook my head. “Nah, it's fine.”

Suddenly an idea popps up. He likes to sleep, huh? “Actually, can you please tell him not to come today? I can help with the work instead of him.”

He raised his eyebrows in suprise. “Are you the one with whom he went on a date?”

My mouth fell agape. Axel told him that he's going on date with me? “Yeah.” I smiled, not bothering to hide it.

He nodded and then dialed the number through his phone. After a ring, Axel picked the call and he told him that he's closing the shop for today, so he need not to come.

“So, what I need to do?” I asked, excitedly.

“Do you know how to ride bycycle?”


“It's raining  so lots of people are ordering takeout. You can deliver the pizza to them but I don't think it's a nice idea, dear. You'll catch cold and—”

“It's fine. I can totally do this.” I cut him in the middle.

He shrugged, explaining me exactly what to do.

I took the phone from him and after the takeout pizza was packed, I rushed outside to put it inside the box that was on the bycycle.

The weather was getting dark and rain was pouring heavily. The cool breeze sent shiver down my spine as I wore a plastic coat that barely covered me.

I started paddling the bycycle, thinking about Axel.

Now that he's free for today and have nothing else to do. He'll sleep right? He'll get good sleep, at least for today.

Wow, this is crazy.

My crush on him is getting crazier.

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