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“Have you heard what happened last night?” Selena murmured. She has this habit to gossiping that really needs some ratification.


“Axel was arrested last night for crashing his car purposely into public property but then you know the deal with his Dad,  he was released in no minute.” She added.

I pursued my lips into thin line and then nodded. Hope he's okay. I raised my head and looked around to see Axel who was sitting on the last bench, smoking ciggerate. He had minor cuts on his forehead and luckily, there wasn't any big injury.

“Why are you skipping the major detail, Selena?” Xavier scoffed.

“Is there something more?” I asked, fearing that he might say something which would break my heart even more.

Xavier scanned my face and then released a sigh. “Jesus, I really feed bad for you, Ayla. He was your fucking crush and now....”

“Tell me, Xav.” I forced a smile not wanting to talk about it.

“There was this boy from our school who was admiring Axel's luxurious car. He asked him if he wants to ride it. And then, Axel drove the car like a mad person with the other guy sitting on the passenger's seat. He scared the shit out of him and then crashed the car.”

I covered my mouth with my palms in disbelief. “Oh, my god. Is that boy fine?”

“He had an arm fracture but he's okay. He's alive.” He shrugged, patting my shoulders.

How can he do this to someone? What's wrong with Axel?

“You're coming with me tonight.” Selena said, pushing the Xav aside.

“To where?”

“Double blind date.” She winked.

I sighed. “I don't want to, Selena.”

“Why the hell not? Just get over with the Axel thing, girl. He ain't worth it.” She passed me a tight smile.

“Yes, Ayla.” Xavier added.

I started feeling suffocated with them. I know that they both are concerned for me but it's just that I'm not ready to move on. I don't even want to move on. Axel took a part of my heart with him, I don't think it'll ever be back to me.

And why do I need to go on dates? I don't want that.

“I need to study.” After all, I'm already failing in tests. Mum will kill me if my grades drop anymore.

“Shut up. You're coming with us, that's it.” Selena narrowed her eyes.

“Fine but not on dates, let's go somewhere nice or watch any movie.” I tried to smile but failed miserably.

“Ayla, I swear to god if you don't stop this nonsense then I'll tell your parents about all this. You just can't keep yourself occupied with the guy who's dangerous.” She threw her hands up in the air in frustration and then turned to Xavier. “Smack some sense into her, man. For past three months, she's been living like a zombie when Axel was missing and now after all this, she's still lingering onto to him.” She almost screamed.

“Fine. Hear the truth then. I've had sex with him. I lost my virginity to him. I like him, I like him so freaking much. I can't just move on with my feelings, I'm not you who'll fuck a guy and then forget, feelings matter for me.” I spat, clenching my fists to the side and experiencing a sudden anger bursting inside me.

Her eyes widened in shock. Offcourse we haven't fought before. But this time, it isn't my fault.

“You slept with him?” She gasped, covering palms over her mouth and when I thought that she's going to throw another fit, she said something unbelievable. “How was it? Dude, fuck, did you enjoy? Oh my Jesus—You're no longer a virgin, bitch. Congratulations! And holy moly, you fucked Axel? He might be an ass but he's hot. I mean not for feelings, just for sex, he's the best choice.” She grinned, wriggling her brows.

I bend my head low in shame. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you. It's just, I don't know, my mind's little messed up.”

“Yeah, right. Xavier does the same, why don't you say that to him too?” She rolled her eyes.

I shifted my focus to Xavier who was now looking somewhere else. Somewhere...Oh, no.

He was staring at Axel and before I could process anything, he stood from the table and went to him. I gasped in shock and hastily stood up to call him to stop but nothing came out from my mouth.

Every single pair of eyes in the classroom turned to them.

“You fucked her?” Xavier hissed and then in no minute, he grabbed him by his collar and pushed him to the wall.

I winced, not knowing what to do.

“Bastard.” He threw a punch straight across his jaw.

Everyone burst into whisper when blood spluttered out of Axel's nose. He wiped the blood from the back of his hand and looked at Xavier again as if he was scanning his face. My heart stilled and I know what was coming. Axel was going to do the same to Xavier but to my utter suprise, he simply pushed him aside from his way and said. “Don't you dare to do this again. You're not the one I'd like to fucking send straight to the ER.” And with that, he stormed out of the classroom.

Thank God.

“What is wrong with you, Xav? Do you have any idea what you've done?” I whispered once I rushed to him.

“He force you, didn't he?” He asked, ignoring what I said completely.

“No.” I rolled my eyes. “Everything that happened between us was consensual. Don't blame him.” I whispered again, trying my best not to let anyone hear the details of my personal life.

“Fuck, man. You should've told me this before.” He made a face then patted my head.

“I'm suprised that Axel didn't do anything to you. If someone else were at your place then he would have buried six feet deep.” Selena kicked him. “Don't pull such brave stunts again, I don't want to lose you.” She dramatically faked a frown.

I bite on my lips and once the situation settled, I quietly exited the class. I don't know what's up in my mind that I started walking to the auditorium. Something in me told that Axel might be there. I took a deep breath and then entered inside and I was right, he was there.

He sat on the same bench, smoking ciggerate. For a second he didn't see me but when his eyes fell on me, he hastily stood up, dumping the ciggerate. His emotionless expressions scanned my face and he kept on staring at me for so long that I started visibly tensing under his strong gaze.

Once he realised that I was getting uncomfortable, he looked everywhere but me.

“How are you?” I barely managed to ask.

“Good.” He reply came the second next.

“Okay.” I breathed out. “I..I...Xavier  misunderstood. I didn't tell him that y...you force me or something....” I almost chocked on my saliva, it was strange to talk to him again.

“Or something?” He raised his one brow taking me down to the memory lane when we first met.

“I...I should go..” I whispered.

He nodded. “Yes.”

I turned around to leave when I heard him say. “Meet me after the school ends.”

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