f o u r t y - f i v e

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"Get on your knees and suck like a good little slut." I said and she quickly get into action.

She started doing a strip show and even though she's sexy redhead in black laces and red lipsticks, I honestly don't find her appealing at all. She was in the club where I was drowning in the alcohol to forget about the shitty-uh, suprising day I had. So, I thought that this might help. Sex might be a good distraction to keep my thoughts at bay but I don't know if I can do this.

Ayla's long gone. She's no longer mine and it was me who fucked up. I used her for getting back at my so called step brother and even though I fell in love with her in the process, she definitely doesn't feel anything strong for her. She always belonged to him. Her heart always belonged to him.

I shook my head. Focus, Tyler.

The girl sat on her knees and unzipped my pants. A wave of excitement and lust pulsated through my veins. She was about to ran her tongue over it before the door flew opened and Axel fucking Gray barged in.

I stiffened.

"Ah, are we going to have a threesome? I'd enjoy the two of you railing me." The redhead looked at Axel in awe.

My lips twitched in distaste but the way he shrieked at her words, I shrugged. "Tell her step brother, would you mind fucking her in a threesome?"

He turned his head to the side when the girl smiled widely at her. "Go, entertain him." I winked and she licked her lips in more than pleasure.

She stood infront of Axel and loosen her bra. Once naked, she pressed her breast against him but instead of praising the situation, he pressed his eyes shut and took a step back. "If you don't want me to ruin your mansion with her blood then tell her to get the fuck away from me." He spoke in a calm voice.

"Uh huh, kinky. I like that." The girl purred.


I quickly rushed to her and asked her to leave. She looked at me in disbelief but when I offered her the bunch of dollars I had in my pocket, she took it gladly and stepped out of the room.

"You weren't serious, right?" I asked, grabbing my T-shirt from the floor and throwing it over my body.

He took the gun from his waistband and then shrugged while pointing at me. "Nobody touches me beside my woman."

A pang of jealousy hit me but pushing it aside, I chuckled. "So, you here to kill me?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." He deadpan.

"Offcourse." I whispered.

He clicked his tongue and then threw the gun aside. "I'd be lying if I say that the idea of killing you doesn't tempt me."

"So, you can have Ayla to all yourself. Well, go ahead. It ain't like she's mine to begin with." I shrugged, my eyes landing over the gun in his hands.

Every sane nerve of me knows that he can kill me right away. He's been murderer for fuck's sake but then there's something weird about the situation we're in. After Ayla lashed out at me, telling me about him, I don't know if my hatred towards him was valid or not.

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