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He wants to know about me?
Uh, Woah! Calm down heart, now you don't want to die of heart failure at such an young age, do you?

"I don't know exactly what to say that'd impress you." I tried to being funny but his blank expression hit me in the gut.

"I like Taylor Swift, pink colour, strawberries, slow burn romances, soft toys, chocolate cookies, vampire diaries, snowfall. I'm just like every other girl." I answered, looking at the colorful fireworks. "Oh, and I like fireworks too." I added with a low smile.

He nodded. "Strawberries, Eh?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nevermind." He chuckled.

Okay. "You tell, what do you like, Axel?"

"I don't know." He replied without missing a single beat.

I smacked my lips together. "Favourite food?"

"Anything edible."

"Favourite movie?"

"Never watched any movie before."

"Favourite music artist."

"I don't listen songs."

"Favourite colour?" I asked the last question, knowing that he'll reply something vain.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

Woah. What kind of life he's living? Seriously, what is he?

I sighed. "Fine you win."

He chuckled. "I like to sleep."

"See, was it that hard?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

He likes to sleep. Probably the person who spends all of his day juggling between school and doing part time jobs would crave for rest.

Isn't it odd how for someone basic needs are luxury? I've never thought of this before. I grew up in a decent life with most of the things falling on to my platter easily. Some nights I spent binge watching TV shows and next day I feel sleep deprived and I dare not to compare my situation to Axel's.

I honestly feel bad for him. I wonder what his parents do? Or how they're? What kind of bond do they share with him? How his childhood was? What his dreams are?

And in the moment, I realised that I'm very much curious about him. I want to know all of him.

"Do you have siblings?" I tried to build up a conversation that maybe give me some answers to feed my curiousity. I know it ain't like I'll get to know everything about him in one day but I can try.

The cool breeze from the lake kissed my face making hair locks sticks to my glossy lips. Ugh, I shouldn't have applied them. I thought of going with the lipstick but then I've left all my makeup stuffs to Selena's house and there's no way I'm going to tell her that Alex agreed to come carnival with me. She'd create unnecessary hype and demand me complete story. And I'm definitely not going to spill out the details about what I said 'making him happy' thing for six days before we have sex.

"Let me help." He whispered, delicately brushing away the tread of hair sticking to my lips. In the process his rough fingers touched my lips sending jolts of current down my spine.

"Thank you." Muttering under my breath, I tried to calm myself down.

This was the most intimate thing I've ever shared with anyone. The cold skin of his fingers were on my warm lips, it was strange. Good kind of strange.

"Why do you want to fuck me?" His question cought me off guard.

Why do I want? For starters, he's hot. When half of the girls are dying to bed him, I'd actually be the one to do so would be fairy tale for me, well in some twisted kind of way but still.

I'm not in hurry to lose my virginity but I would never find anyone better than him for my first time. I'm attracted to him and my gut feeling tells me that the sex would be incridible with him.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" I bite back to his question.

Our eyes met for a brief pause before he bought his finger to his mouth and licked it. "Strawberry it was."

"Huh?" I looked at him in confusion but the second he gestured towards my lips, my knees went jelly.

Did he actually lick my gloss that was on his finger?

God, my heart. Save my beating heart.

"Now, answer my question."


"I find you very much attractive, Axel." And intriguing.

He didn't say anything but there was this soft smile gracing on his lips that made my heart flutter for different reasons.

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