t h i r t y - e i g h t

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"Where the fuck are you, Armando?" I looked around, waiting all this to be finished soon.

My hands are still trembling and this fucked up headache will kill me in no minute if I don't get the shit out of my head.

Two men jumped in front of me and I pulled the trigger of my gun to kill them off. I'm not in the mood to play games.

My phone lighted up with constant notifications. I clipped my teeth together and took out the phone to read the texts that his wife is sending.

Armando's wife : Have you found him?

Armando's wife : Please tell me that he's okay.

Armando's wife : He'll be okay, right?

Armando's wife : Please save him, I beg you.

Armando's wife : Axel, please save him. They will kill him.

Armando's wife : Please.

I turned off the phone and shoved it inside the pocket of my pants.

"Was it Ayla?" Nate's voice echoed in the surrounding.

I shook my head. "Armando's wife."

He nodded.

This shithole reeks of blood and dead bodies. I wonder why these bodies aren't disposed yet? That Bastard called his wife and told her that he can't make it instead of straight up telling me about his whereabouts. His wife came, crying to me, getting on her knees and begging as if I'm some kind of God who'll magically save her husband from the brink of his death.

After killing dozens of men, finally I reached the basement. There he was. Tied up with ropes to the chair, brutally beaten and almost unconscious.

"Don't die motherfucker, not before giving me the details about all those who were in jail with me." I spoke to him.

His eyes flickered at me and then a laugh crossed his mouth. "Didn't expect you here, Gray."

I clenched my jaw. "Should've thought this about giving sappy goodbye to your wife, she was at my throat to save you."

"One of them are still in this city. I'm wondering if I should give your their address or not?"

"Fine, I saved you because I'm indebted. You saved me back when I was in the jail." I rolled my eyes to which he nodded.

"Now, tell me."

"I'll mail you his address. Take me to my wife first."


I walked through the narrow street with my hands shoved inside the pocket of my pants. With every step, a smirk curving my mouth and excitement running through my nerves. The idea of slicing his throat as he beggs me not to. Sure, it'll be medication to this traumatic headache.

I looked up at a shady place. A small house.

"Ah, this is going to be fun." I whispered and knocked on the door thrice before someone - he opened the door.

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