T h r e e

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"You're going to kill me with the curiosity girl, just spill it out." Selena yelled.

I sat on my bed and looked at them. Selena was almost ready to cut off my oxygen if I don't tell her and Xavier, well he was staring at me, curiously.

"I had a conversation with Axel." I grinned.

"What?" She screamed, jumping on the bed and gesturing me to tell the details.

"Okay. So, as you know, I was waiting for Xavier in the auditorium when I saw him smoking on the corner seat. At first I didn't know it was him but then he asked me if I'm going to report him." I spilled.

Her eyes widened in suprise. "Then."

"What was he doing there shirtless?" Xavier asked, now grabbing the seat on the bed.

"Ignore him. He's just jealous that we're giving attention to someone else. You continue, Ayla." Selena said.

"I told him that I'm not going to mess with him since people talk of him how he hates everyone especially the girls. Then he asked me if I'm saying that he's gay?"

"Oh my god, oh my god- this is getting spicer." She fanned herself.

"And then I continued dancing while he went back to smoking and after awhile, he asks me that 'did my boyfriend left me for banging someone else?'" I quoted his exact words. "He was talking about Xavier. I was on phone call with him earlier so Axel must've thought I was talking to my boyfriend."


"He asked me if I need any help with the dance when he walked near me. He was naked so I told him to put on his shirt. And he said if it's bothering me? Uh-I replied that if I'd be shirtless, wouldn't it bother him? And, hearing me his eyes actually flickered on my chest and he said that he'd rather enjoy it." I whispered, my heart racing all over again at the mention of what happened before.

It was as if I was relieving that moment.

"Holy shit, Ayla. Holy fucking shit." She screamed, covering her mouth with her palms.

I know right. I know.

"He flirted with you. Damnit, that guy never even spared a look to any other girl. Woah, this is the biggest flex of my life. Axel Gray told my best friend that he'd enjoy watching her naked. Fuck, that sounds so hot." She gushed.

I released a deep breath. "Yeah, it was surprising but then he went away without even dancing with me." I frowned. I really thought that he's going to dance with me.

"Aw. Bummer." Xavier laughed.

"Ignore him, bestie. He's an ass." She hit him on the shoulder.

I lay down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. There's something more to that one encounter with him. I'm pretending to act like it's all thrilling just because he's handsome and all but there's more. Today, I felt something more.

He was wounded. His expressions told me that he was in pain. And I just couldn't help but wonder that what's wrong with him? Why he's always covered with bruises?

I'm curious about him but more than that there's a huge part of me that's sympathetic for him.

I can't explain this weird knots in my stomach to my friends. I can't even process what I'm feeling in words.

And no, it's not like I like him or something. I'm attracted to him for so long because of his gorgeous face but there's no involvement of my heart.

Anyways, that's enough for today. I need to finish my assignment before my assignment finishes me. I'm already tired and after that I need to take astronomy classes. It's just a small hobby and I'm ready to spend two hours in front of my laptop for them. Also, today's the turn for me to learn Japanese.

Even though I'm just an average student who studies her ass off to get through examinations without flunking any of them, I try to balance my hobby too even if it's exhausting.

Wish I were someone with high IQ or have the energy to Ace at everything but unfortunately that's not my reality. I try to learn different languages on my own so that I can be multilingual but frankly I'm not good at learning.

All I do is to try even if I suck at it.

My name's Ayla, I was born and brought up in London. I'm half Indian and a senior high school student. Oh, and I'm definitely not good at mathmatics.

"We should celebrate this day. Let's go to the club. I can help with the ID's." She clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

"Yes, please. I need something strong. It's been awhile since we got drunk together." Xavier agreed.

And the idea seems tempting. I just couldn't say no to it.


"Woah! There's so much rush tonight." I screamed loud enough for my friends to hear.

Loud music. Sweat and sex. Alcohol.

Ah, this is going to be fun.

We sat on the couch, they both were bickering over something, so I stood up to order the drinks. On reaching near the bar counter, I took a minute to decide exactly what to order when all of sudden someone collided with me. I shrieked when I felt liquid pouring all over me.

“What the—” I found my clothes completely ruined. The silver dress I worn now had red stains.

“Sorry Ma'am—”

“Ah, it's okay. No worries.” I cut him in middle, still staring at my ruined dress.

“Can't you work properly. What's wrong with you tonight?” Another voice echoed and I couldn't help but look up.

“I apologise on his behalf, Ma'am.” The manger said to me with a polite smile then turn to the boy who was serving drinks. “You're fired.”

I looked at him and my mouth slightly parted in shock. Axel?

He's working here?

The second our eyes met, he bit on his lips, probably being surprised to see me here.

He bend his head low. “I'm sorry. This won't happen again.” He whispered in a hollow voice. To my periphery, I saw him clenching his bruised knuckles so hard in a fist as if he was suppressing his anger into that.

And just like that, I started feeling sorry for him all over again. He was being humiliated infront of his school mate. No one deserves this.

“Uh, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked the manager and he followed me to the side.

I quickly put the few dollars I had in his pocket. “It's a request don't kick him out. Besides, I'm good. I don't mind my dress getting spoiled.”

He nodded.

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