t w e n t y - t w o

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“I don't have enough money but I hope this helps. I'm really sorry for what Axel did to you.” I said, handing him the package of money.

The man took it from me hesitatingly with his fingers covered in plaster of Paris for all the cracked bones that Axel gave it to him. My heart broke all over again at the sight of his hands. I licked my lips and shifted my eyes from them.

“Why are you giving this to me?” He asked.

“Friend of Axel. I...I saw what he did to you....” I trailed off.

He nodded, staring at the money that I gave to him. “Thank you.” He said, taking a little breath of relief.

God, I feel so bad for him.

“I should get going.” I whispered, turning to leave so that I don't make this more awkward.

“It's not my place to say anything but stay away from him.” He said, making me stop in my tracks.

“That fucker is insane. His father told me to follow him and I've seen him doing shitty things that'll make your gut clench in fear.” He added.

I didn't react in anyway. Just decided to walk away from there.

I let out a breath I was holding from so long and slide inside the Selena's car.

“Done?” Selena asked, once I get back.

I nodded. I hate lying to her. I don't want to lie to my best friend who's been always there for me ever since we were kids but I can't just tell her the truth. I can't tell her that I came miles away from my house to give money to the man whom Axel had tormented last night.

What Axel did was so wrong. God, I can't imagine the kind of pain that man might have felt. He needed money for his unborn child and wife and for that he was even ready to let Axel break all his fingers. I just couldn't have ignored that. I don't know that man but my humanity will never allow me to sleep peacefully if even after witnessing everything with my eyes, I didn't help him.

So, I gathered all the money I had. I was lucky that I used to save couple of dollars every once in awhile in my piggy bank that was gifted to me by Xavier when I was ten. I never felt the need to break it and took all the money out but for a moment, when I find out that Axel been working hard to save for his mother's hospital bill, I made up my mind to break it and help him but then everything turned upside down. His mother died then he disappeared and now he's far more richer compared to my little savings.

I know the money wasn't enough for that man needs but atleast something's better than nothing.

“Jesus, you really came this far just to see your distant relatives?” Xavier rolled his eyes.

Thankfully, none of them are suspicious. I made a stupid lie that I need to meet my cousin and so on. God, I don't even know how to mould a proper lie.

Selena hit the gas padel and drove back.

I was looking out of the window, when I heard my phone buzzing up with notification. I took it out and when I saw a text from an unknown number, I had a feeling about who it could be.

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