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“Piss off.” I whispered at some random blonde girl who tried to offer me a box of chocolates.

She flinched, looking embarrassed as she ran away.

I stepped inside an empty auditorium and hissed in pain. This shit is going to end me.

In no minute, I pulled my shirt over my head and looked at the purple bruises on the side of my stomach.

Motherfucker might have killed me if I didn't jump out of it. Not to forget that it costed me couple of dollars.

Applying the ointment, I wrapped a cotton bandage around my stomach and sunk into one of the seats. I lighted the cigarette and as the smoke hit my throat, I felt like throwing up. Every joint of my body aches and head feels like it's about to burst open.

It'd probably be thrid day in this week when my body's burning up in fever. I need to get blood tests done but the only fucking problem is that I don't have money left neither the time. I swear if it's typhoid or something, I'll end up killing someone in frustration. The medicines will cost me fortune and it ain't like I'm born with silver spoon.

“Xav, I need to practice. You can't bail out in last minute. Do hell with your sexual conquests, I need a dancing partner.”
Someone's voice dragged my attention back to the surrounding and I noticed a girl pacing back and forth with cell phone pressed next to her ear.

She huffed, ending the call and that's when her eyes fell on me. “Ah, you can't smoke in school premises, don't you know that?”

I raised my eyebrows and get up from the seat, suppressing a groan. This fucking pain.

The girl, she looked familiar. Probably I've shared few classes with her because the second she saw my face, she bite on her tongue as if she recognised me.

“Are you going to report me?” I asked.

Her gaze fell on my naked chest and then at the cotton bandages which seemed to held her interest. “Are you hurt or something?”

“Or something?” A chuckle escaped my mouth.

She pressed her eyes shut for a moment, whispering something under her breath and then looked back at me. “Go ahead, carry on with your business. I'm not reporting you.”

“You can report me, you know.”

She shook her head. “I'm not going to mess with you. I've heard enough rumours about you.”

My eyebrows shot up in amusement. “What kind of rumours?”

“That you don't like girls.”

“You mean I'm gay?”

“No. That you hate everyone around you especially the girls and you've nasty temper.” She said, playing some song on her phone. “I'm going to practice, okay? Try not to kill me with it's smoke.” She pointed to the cigarette in my hand.

I leaned back into the chair with my eyes fixed on her. She put her arms in air and tried dancing; a kind of dance that they show in movies where a boy and girl dance.

“Guess your boyfriend ditched you for banging someone else.” I said.

She stops in middle and looked at me in confusion. “Eh?”

“Heard your phone conversation.” I added.

She shook her head and continued dancing.

To say, she looked pathetic, would be an understatement. Who dances like this? Pretending to be doing it with someone else?

I smashed the cigarette butt on the table and stood up. “Need some help?” I asked once I went closer to her.

Her face arched up to stare at me. She blinked, thrice before turning her head to the side. “Uh, you should wear your shirt.”

A smirk curves on my lips when I saw her neck turning red in nervousness. And it really makes me wonder that do I really have this kind of effect on girls?

“Why? Does it bother you?”

She rolls her eyes and then crosses her arms over her chest. “What if I get naked? Will it bother you?”

Unconsciously my gaze fell on her chest and before she could sense it, I looked away. “Nah, I'd rather enjoy it.”

Woah! Am I really flirting with her? Since when I started doing such things?
Nevertheless I said truth. I'd more than enjoy it too see her naked.

“Exactly, my point.” She shrugged, offering me her hands.

“What?” I asked, biting back a smile.

Her mouth runs on point. So, she's enjoying me being shirtless.

“You were going to help me with the dance, don't you?” She gestured towards her hand.

I shoved my hands in my pocket. “Goodbye.”

I rushed out of the auditorium after wearing the shirt.


“Fight back, you piece of scum.” His voice echoed through my ear.

I wiped the blood coming out of my mouth and tried to punch him again but he easily defended himself, knocking me another punch straight to my already bruised stomach.

I fell on the ground, clenching my stomach. It hurts like a bitch. “I-I can't....”

“Get up or else I'll cancel your next pay.” He said.

I groaned in immense pain but somehow managed to get up. Fuck him. He knows how to hit nerve.

Once again, I tried to punch him but it was in vain. With one of his final blow, I almost fell unconscious.

“Practice hard, you son of a bitch. This weekend you have big match and if I lose my bet on you, I'd kill you.” He yelled, getting off the ring.

I nodded, just like always.

My body was burning in fever when I dragged myself to the bathroom and I started throwing up. If I don't take medicines, I'd die for sure.

Coughing, I went to the place where I live. It's not a home. It'll never be a home. Just a shabby place with small room on the terrace that's rented by me.

I gulped down whatever the medicines I had and sat on the terrace. The moon shines brighter than any colour I've ever seen. I don't know if I'll ever be able to come out of this shithole or not but the one thing that I'm sure about is that no matter how hard I try, my life was sucked into a mess ever since I was born.

I took a moment to watch my hands intently. Knuckles are bruised, bandaged. blood and sweat on my hands of both mine and of others.

How could I've possibly held her hand and danced?

My skin isn't worth touching. The filthy side of me is not for anyone to touch. It'll consume them.

I sighed.

Indeed the girl was pretty. Black hair, brown skin, bold mouth. Also, this was to be first time when I flirted with someone.

But then again, she's just another girl.


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