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(for better experience, do listen to the song attached while reading the chapter)



I stared at his face wondering if money could ever be the reason when your life is in danger? I don't know.

"Is it worth it?" I asked. "Is it worth to risk your life for few dollars?"

He blinked, looking down at me, his jaw was still locked and his eyes held no emotion but if I wanted to read them, I would've have find something, something like pain in them because it was there. Even if he tries to mask it, his expressions were somewhere telling me that he's in pain.

"Yes." He replied, releasing a low breath.


"My mother's in hospital, Ayla. I need money to afford her expanses." He whispered.

I stilled. My world stilled for a moment. He's risking his life for his mother? Why haven't I thought about this before? Off course, he was doing every sort of part time jobs, he need money for her hospital bills. And I was having all the possibilities that he fights in the underground for fun?

Then again, we are worlds apart. My parents never made me feel that I should worry about money. I was always gifted whatever I wanted even before I had a chance to tell them. They knew. They always knew. I always lived a comfortable life and this boy, in front of me who puts himself in danger every other night just to finance her mother's hospital bills. All the bruises, bloods and sweat, all the extra hour of work, all the sleep deprived nights, all the pain, all the worry, all the hatred he might be having for the world, he suffers all of it yet he tries. He tries his best.

If only I could tell all this to Xavier and then ask him that how can I ever stay away from this boy? He might be dangerous but I don't care. My heart knows that he's just a broken heart.

"I'm proud of you, Axel." I forced myself to smile. And I really feel bad for you.

His body visibly stiffened at my words. He blinked in suprise and tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.

So, I played the song on my phone and offered him my hand. "Come on."

He held my hand and I slowly stepped closer to him till our body collided. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my face on his shoulder.

The metallic smell of medicine and faded cologne washed into my nostril. He was tensed for a moment but soon I sensed him wrapping his around my waist.

The fast beating of our heart met together and I closed my eyes, wishing this moment to last longer than I want.

Don't cry, snowman, not in front of me
Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling
If you can't catch me, darling

Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way
A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby
Can't hold me close, baby

I was always a hugger but right here, in this moment, with him, I feel like this has to be first time when I've felt this much strong intensity in anyone's arms. I want to cling onto him. The song oddly did the thing to me, it made this moment more special.

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