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"W-What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Ask him, he'd tell you." He shrugged, breathing out the smoke.

"I saw him after ten years and you're saying that he suffered in the jail because of me?" I couldn't help but ask.

That man didn't say anything next. His eyes were fixed on me for a second before he said. "What had he seen in you? He could get any women to fuck, what's so special about you?"

I snickered. "I can say the same for you. What had Sasha seen in you?"

As soon as those words slip from my tongue, I covered my mouth with my palms. My eyes widened in shock. Oh God, what have I done? Is he going to kill me for talking back to him? It was just a slip of a tongue, I didn't say it because I was embarrassed by his humiliating words. Instead, I felt these stupid jealousy hormones shooting into my nerves when he said that Axel...uh...can get any women. I know it was so immature of me to act like that not to mention just after getting rejected by Axel.

But then his mouth curved up into laughter. "Ah, I like you." And then his voice turned dead serious. "But remember to never disrespect my wife again, I won't hesitate twice to squeeze the life out of you, Ayla."

I pressed my lips into thin line. When did I disrespect her? Why women modesty ends where men start with their options? Axel can have any women but Sasha can't? How can someone find this misogynist crap romantic? It's absurd. Come to think of it, Axel had never treated me like this.

"A little advice, don't forget to ask him about the letter." And with that he stood up to leave.

But before I can ponder over the letter thing, I found myself walking upstairs towards Axel's room. He lay down on his bed with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. When he sensed my presence, he drifted his eyes to me with concern lacing his expressions. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yes. I'm okay."

Biting my lips, I sat on the edge of his bed and looked up at the ceiling too. "What if you had a normal life? Where do you then see yourself at twenty eight?" I asked.

There was a plain and comfortable silence between us for awhile. He was probably thinking something and I was secretly catching glances of him. He propped his hands below his head and smiled a little. "It would've been a beautiful dream. I'm not sure about what I'd be doing; probably a corporate job? Something mundane and respectable. Then there would've been you with me; my girlfriend? We'd be dating since high school and at twenty eight, planning trips together, baking together, stargazing in the summer nights, picking you from the hospital after your shift ends, giving you foot massages when you're tired, coloring your nails, cooking dinner for you, gifting you flower, waking up next to you in the morning, meeting your family and laugh with your friends. There's endless things that I see myself doing if I were to have a normal life."

My heart took a summersault after hearing him. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling and my eyes couldn't help but see him. His words were beautiful but equally sad. His version of normal life revolves around me. He didn't think of himself, about himself.

"And what about you?"

"I can't think of that. Sorry." He shrugged his shoulders, exhaling a sign as his gaze turned to me. He passed me a tight smile and then asked. "Tell me about yourself. Tell me the things about you that I missed. I want to know everything about you."

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