t h i r t y

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I placed a hand over my chest and clenched my shirt when the pain became unbearable. The unsettling feeling made the situation only worse. Releasing a hollow breath, I looked back to the man on the other side of the table.

He was assessing me, second, by second, taping his finger over the table, and to say that the noise wasn't irking me would be an understatement. I wanted to snap his fingers bone by bone and then feed it to the animals.

"Stop doing that." I snapped, not being able to handle it.

He raised one brow and then once again started tapping it, this time a little louder.

The noise infiltrated my mind making it impossible for me to stay sane. The images of blood dripping from his hand invaded my mind. Offering his hand to be eaten by a wild animal while he screams in pain became so much tempting that I started having ideas of throwing him alive to be eaten raw and then sending his remains back to his wife and children so that they can cry over his death but without having the chance to see his body. All they'll see are some bones and leftover flesh.

Snap out of it, Axel. He's the most dangerous head of a mafia group that I shouldn't mess with. But that tapping sound.

"I said fucking stop it," I screamed, clenching my jaw in frustration.

In no minute, all his men pointed the gun at me. I rolled my eyes and leaned into the chair. "All these dogs follow you around, man. Aren't you enough to protect yourself?"

He chuckled and shook his head, gesturing his men to drop the guns. "I need help."

"From me? When did I become this special?"

"Gray, stop infuriating me." He pinched the bridge of his nose and snapped his fingers. All his men rushed outside and that's when he passed the papers to me. Masking my confusion, I caught a glance at the file. "You want me to marry your wife?" I let out a dry laugh.

"One more word about my wife and I'll dig your grave by myself."

I threw up my hands in the air and chuckled. "When she's with you then why do you need me to protect her?"

"My family wants to kill my wife. I don't even know who's behind all this. This time I can't keep her safe." He explained.

"What are you hiding, Armando?" I asked.

"I trust no one. If she'll be at your house then she'll be safe." He sighed.

"What am I getting in return?" I raised my brows.


"Information about what?"

"About everyone who was in the jail with you."

I chuckled, scratching my head and instantly my mood gets a lot better. "Don't worry about your wife, she'd be alive and safe with me then."

He nodded.

Whistling, I walked to the car where Nate was already waiting for me. "I thought you were dead." He spoke.

Igniting the engine, I ignored him and fixed my eyes on the windshield.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"You already know," I replied.

"You want to take therapy?"

I chuckled. "My mind is beyond redemption."

"Why take me with you then?"

"Because she invited you too."

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