s e v e n t e e n

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“Why do you have so much—” Painkillers? I stopped myself in middle, realising that he might have stocked them because of the wounds and pain he gets during his fights.

I looked around, the room was small with a bed and nothing much in particular. There was this study table that have books and box full of medicine and some coins. The chair was broken and on the other end of the room, there was gas stove with barely anything edible in the cabinet. I doesn't wanted to wince at the sad condition of the place where he lives, so instead I just put up a smile and sat on the bed. “I'm famished.”

“What would you like to eat, I'd order takeout?” He asked.

“Can you cook?”

“Sort of.”

I smiled. “Perfect then make me some instant noodles.” 

“Okay.” He said and started preparing instant noodles for me while I just sat on the bed with a frown creasing upto my face.

He lives here alone? Does that means he has no family besides his mother? He must be so lonely then and even in school, I've never seen him talking to anyone. Everyone assumes that he's an arrogant jerk who's hot plus equally dangerous but no one had ever thought that even the dangerous people too have their demons to fight for. Axel, he's just Axel.

He came back with cooked soggy noddles and a bottle of coke. I patted the bed next to him for him to sit and together we ate the instant noodles, well technically, I ate most of it, he barely tasted it.

And man, he was jealous of Xavier. I had lied to him about the boyfriend thing in fun, I had no idea that he'd actually believe it. But, I don't know, it felt kind of good to know about his feelings even though he didn't say much.

Later, I've realised something else too. When we were watching the stars, for a split moment, I saw his gaze lingering on my thighs and even though he tried to hide it, it was pretty obvious. It made my body on fire, a strange feeling dominated in me and I wanted him to do something, touch me, kiss me or just look at me.

An idea popped inside my head to tease him a little. “By the way, Axel, earlier I saw you checking out my legs. Do they look sexy?” I asked, innocently but in return, the coke from his mouth gets spluttered all over me.

I parted my jaw in shock and looked at him.

“I..I'm sorry....I'll bring the tissues..” He whispered, looking horrified and quickly passed me the tissues.

I waited a little more then burst out laughing. “It's okay, Axel.”

And then my memories were reminded of that night in the club when he had accidentally spilled wine all over me. “You've done this before.” I laughed some more.

He scratched the back of his head and then chuckled. “Yeah, I'm glad I did.”

My heart warmed. “Me too.” Had it not been that day, I would've never gotten a chance to know him.

I tried to wipe the coke from my shirt with tissue but all of sudden, it started feeling hot when I realised that my bra might be on show. The shirt's white in color.

I slowly lifted my head and found Axel with his head on the side, he wasn't looking at me. My heart started pumping blood faster and everything around me started turning hazy. I'm alone in the room with him. Oh my heart.

“Axel.” I breathed out his name.


“On the scale of one to ten, how much do you want me to get rid of my skirt?”

Hearing me, his eyes snapped at me and for a brief pause, he looked at my chest before licking his lips. “How much do you want me to want that?”

“Ten.” I answered which came more like a whisper.

Our eyes met and my breath started hitching up. With shaky fingers, I removed my neck tie and then unbuttoned my shirt. Slowly, I removed the shirt from my body which leaves me only in bra and school's skirt.

He broke the eye contact and started roaming his gaze down my body. My skin goosebumped because of the strong intensity of his gaze and some sort of weird sensation erupted between my legs.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked to which I nodded and next I felt him placing his lips on mine and boom, I melted.

He kissed me fiercely, our mouth moving in same pace as multiple shivers ran down my body over and over again. He shoved his tongue inside my mouth and before giving me a chance to react, his knuckles traced my bare shoulder. I shuddered and when our tongue collided, I couldn't help but moan in pleasure. His hands moved down and he cupped my left breast, squeezing it a little that I moaned again.

Something different was happening with my body, I've never experienced this before not even when I was masturbating.

“I-I haven't done it before, Axel.” I said, panting, once we break apart from the kiss.

His hands were still on my chest and I wanted him to do more to me. “Do you want me?” He asked, softly.


“You can tell me to stop whenever you want, I won't do anything without your consent.” He whispered to which I couldn't help but smile.

His hands travelled to my back and he unhooked my bra. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and when I felt his open mouth kisses on my chest, I started losing my senses in ecstasy. He laid me softly to the bed and hovered above me, his mouth now kissing my nipples.

I felt his bulge from his pant against my core and it was weirdly good. Everything was turning me on so bad.

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