t h i r t y - o n e

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I tensed when out of nowhere Tyler came and kissed me. I tried to smile but failed, miserably.

“Oh, you’re here with patients?” He asked, scratching his head.

My mouth ran dry. Is he not recognising Axel?

I nodded my head, doing my best to avoid eye contact with Axel. He must be feeling bad. But why is this bothering me?

“Then, I’ll see you later.” Tyler smiled, placing a kiss on the side of my head. “In the bed.” He whispered near my ear which I’m sure that Axel must’ve heard.

“Shut up.” I faked a smile and after giving me a mock salute, he grabbed a cookie and stuffed it inside his mouth, smiling at Axel in the process.

Is he really not recognising him?  Probably not.

Once he left, I sat back on the couch. I collected enough guts to look at Axel who was surprisingly staring at the table, more particularly at the cookies.

I tried to read his expression but there was absolutely nothing. It was as if I was looking at the stone statue.

I released a shaky breath and thoughts of him admitting that he enjoys blood started scarring me so bad that for a split second, my mind forced me to think that what if he hurts Tyler?

I shook my head to quickly shake off that dreadful thought and licked my dry lips to focus on the present. On him.

“H-Have you…uh…” I tied to force the words out of my mouth but I couldn’t.

“Yes, Ayla. I’ve killed many people. My father wasn’t the only one whose blood is on my hands.” He said, answering my unasked questions.

I placed a hand on my mouth in a reflex and my goosebumps prickled on my skin at his confession. The pasta I ate in the lunch started threatening to come out of my mouth and this time I couldn’t even dare to hold the glass of water.

What the hell am I doing? Why am I involving myself with someone like him? He’s dangerous and a criminal for the sake of my sanity. He might not kill me but what if he put people around me in danger? What if he harms Tyler just because he is my boyfriend?

God, this was an awful idea to ask him for therapy. 

Calm down, Ayla. Take a deep breath.

I closed my eyes for a minute before turning my eyes at him again. “D-Don’t y-you feel any r-remorse?” I shuttered pathetically.

He shook his head.

A wave of anger pulsated through me and I couldn’t help but blurted out. “Don’t you feel any remorse even after killing your own father? God, you’re pathetic and fucked up in the head.”

As soon as those words slipped from my mouth, I regretted it. But even after hearing me, he didn’t look at me. He kept his eyes glued to the cookies.

I rubbed my palms over my face and felt my eyes getting moistened.

No, I can’t do this. I just can’t.

If it was some person else then I would’ve tried but it’s him and a part of me doesn’t want to hate him. I always want to remember him as a happy memory. I don’t want to know more about me or else I’d end up despising him and I don’t want that.

I’m going to accept that he isn’t the same Axel anymore. He’s merely a stranger and that’s how I’m going to protect my heart from breaking it all over again.

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