f o u r t y - t h r e e

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He blinked in disbelief, his face twisting in complex emotions after hearing my confession. My heart thudded against my rib cage at what I've said and then I couldn't help but feel overwhelming intensity of butterflies erupting in my belly.

Love is such a strong word yet what I feel for him is so much more than it. I've never named my feelings before but maybe I loved him ever since I first met him. This feeling is so beautiful yet at the same time, it's aching in my heart to make him believe that I love him so much. Every fiber of my body loves him.

He suffered so much just for a single letter that I wrote to him. He suffered to the point of going insane and if this man doesn't deserve indefinite love in return then I guess no one does.

He tried to pull his hands back to himself but I held them and shook my head. "Please, don't." I said, placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"If you can put up with hell just for my letter then let me confess it to you about how much I'm in love with you. Axel, you don't need to hold onto that letter from now on for your sanity instead hold on to me, I'll be with you through thick and thin, I'll be the one to keep you sane and loved. You know, I can give you the thousand different reasons why I love you but for now just listen to my heart that can't beat if something happens to you." I added, trying to offer him a bright smile but instead tears welled up in my eyelids.

His eyes softened and he pulled his lower lips under his teeth but then he clenched his eyes shut and tears started rolling down his cheeks. "I-I don't know what to say, Ayla."

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything."

A chuckle vibrates through his chest and he let go of my face, staring straight at me. "And then? What do you expect from me? What am I supposed to do next?" He said, trying to not raise his voice at me but his tone clearly hinted how frustrated he was.

"Just live. Uh- live a normal life." I whispered, running my fingers through his soft hair.

At my touch, he pressed his eyes shut and then laughed. "Ayla." He called out my name, grabbing my full attention to him.


"Look into my eyes. Do they seem as if I'm living? I'm just breathing. I'm just-I killed his mother. It wasn't my father; it was me who destroyed everything." Our eyes met and for a moment all I can see in them is nothing but helplessness.

I leaned to press a kiss on top of his both eyes and said. "Your eyes are beautiful."

His facial features relaxed. "Mom used to say that I look so much like my father. My eyes reminded her of him." He shrugged.

I smiled, sadly. "To me, your eyes are beautiful."

"You always know what to say. It isn't a suprise that you became a psychiatrist." He said, creasing his thumb against my jawline.

"Really?" I laughed, half heartedly.

"Yes." He chuckled, finally relieving my anticipation.

It's okay, Ayla. He's alright. He recognises you, that's more than enough.

"I love you, you know." I added, once a plain silent fell between us.

His Adam's apple moved down and he held my gaze and I don't know for how long but he kept on looking at me. His face was devoid of any emotions but he was searching something in my eyes. I smiled, wishing my eyes to shine bright so that he can know that how much I care for him. Even if I were not in love with me, I'd have fallen for him because this man deserves all the love in this world.

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