Chapter 3

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I'll try to make y/n more emotionless and don't show emotion at all.
A female teacher coughed making the students quiet, "Okay, Class. Today we'll be having a new student." Miyuki wondered, 'I wonder who will be the new student? I wonder if they'll be nice :D'

The female teacher looked over to the door,"Come in." Y/n then walked through the door as she looked up to the class. Some of the classmates gasped and began to whisper to each other. Miyuki gasped as she stood up, "Y/n?! You're here!" Everyone looked over to her as she nervously just giggled as she sat back down. After y/n introduced themselves as she say down behind Miyuki.
After y/n explained everything to them of why she joined their school, they began to go find their secret base I guess.
They were in the air ducks, "Finding a place to talk without being seen is harder than I thought." "School isn't the place for talking about Precure, is it?" Asked Y/n. Then akane asked, "Well then, why not come around to my place?" Then Nao pointed out, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't your family run a shop, Akane? Besides we're going to have our family checking up on us, no matter whose house we go to."

"Oh, I've got an idea! Wouldn't it be nice to have our own little secret spot to meet up in?" Said Miyuki. Yayoi asked, "You mean like, a secret Precure base?" Miyuki nods, "Yep! Let's go look for a secret place of our own!"
"I think I'll take Alice... Next, let's see... Heidi and Cinderella! Oh right, and Anne!" Candy shouts, "Miyuki, you're getting in my way-kuru!" Miyuki apologized, "Gomen! We're all bringing som personal stuff to put in our base! For me, that's my favorite fairytale! What about you, y/n?"

Y/n put a hand on her chin, "Hmm.... I don't think I have one..." Candy smiled, "Maybe you can find that out later! Let's not keep them waiting-kuru!" Then the portal opened up, the three went through the portal.
"Now everyone's here-kuru!" Yelled Candy. Miyuki smiled brightly, "Hey! Glad you all made it okay!" Yayoi nods, "Good thing no one got lost!" Nao walked over, "We've never come from our own houses before, after all." Y/n saw Reika turn around, "I do still find it perplexing how we can reach this place through any bookshelf."

Candy explained, "Using the book-gates here in the Wonder Library, you can go anywhere in the world you want-kuru!" Akane points out, "Why not have our secret base here, then? It'd make travellin' a breeze!" "Nice thinking!" Commented Miyuki.

Then the group saw Yayoi run somewhere as y/n monotonely asked, "Where are you going?" Yayoi answered, "I'm going to look around." Before she tripped, Miyuki ran over, "Are you alright, Yayo- [Gets hanged by her sweater by a branch] Help me!" The three girls ran over then tripped as y/n shook her head as she carried Candy, "And they all fall down-kuru..."

Akane then yelled, "No way! We're not going to have our base here!" Nao struggled then got up, "Yeah.... If we can go anywhere we want... then how about we find somewhere a bit nicer?" "Nicer?" Y/n went down and helped Reika up as she blushed, "I.... I have just the place in my mind. Somewhere with the gravitas befitting us as Precure."

"Whete's that?!" Yelled Akane as Reika walked somewhere. Y/n commented, "I'll just wait here, while you guys find a base. I "feel" tired....." "It's alright," said Miyuki.
"Well, this is a bust," commented Nao. Yayoi agreed, "Finding a secret base is harder than I thought it'd be..." "I guess they don't just grow on trees," said Akane.

Miyuki spoke, "Come on, cheer up! I know we'll find one eventually!" Akane smiled with a sigh, "Yeah, it's just...." Y/n was holding Candy as Miyuki frowned, "We will!" Reika smiled, "You do seem awfully enamored with the idea, Miyuki-san. Is there a reason for that?" Miyuki smiled to her as she picked out a book, "Well, see... [Fully shows the book to them]." Y/n tilts her head, "What book is that?" Candy answered as y/n looked to her, "It's Anne of Green Gables-kuru!"

Miyuki nods as she puts the book close to her, "I've always loved this book since I was a kid. Anne and her friend Diana had a secret little spot in the woods, where they promised to be friends forever. I've always wanted to have my own little place like that... So one day. I went into the woods and found my own little spot. I wished I could share it with a special friend, just like Anne did... It was a really lovely place, too!"

Yayoi smiled, "Then I think we've already found our spot, haven't we?" "Huh?" Y/n shurgged, "Let's all go check together then." Nao nods in agreement with Reika.

Nao continued her agreement, "I can't think of anywhere better for our secret base!" "You really think so?" Asked Miyuki. Reika gently smiled, "It's near the town you grew up in, right?" Miyuki nods, "Yep!"
Miyuki waved to them, "Come on, hurry up!" Nao commented, "She's really impatient all of a sudden." Y/n commented, "Acts like a.... child..."
"Miyuki, how much farther is it? It'd really starting to feel all secret now, though!" Commented Akane.
Once they reached there, they saw two kids playing with each other. Akane commented, "Don't tell me... that's your secret spot, Miyuki?" Miyuki looked down, "Yeah... but it looks like it's their secret spot now. [Turns around] Lets go." Y/n nods as they began turning around to leave.

"It is a shame, but we'll have to find somewhere else."


That's when they heard Ulric's voice, "I do wish you'd stop... with those accursed smiles!" Miyuki gasped as the group turned around, "Isn't that..?!" Candy answered, "It's Ulric-kuru!" Ulric got out a book, "This world shall receive the worst possible conclusion a Bad End! Let this pristine canvas of your future be choked in darkness!"

Child 1: Playing grown-ups is boring...

Ulric laughs, "The Bad Energy we gather from the humans will resurrect the Emperor of Darkness, King Pierrot-sama!"

Candy shouts, "Come on, transform-kuru!" Miyuki nods, "Right!"
Make-up kit: Ready?

All: Precure, Smile Charge!

Make-up kit: Go! Go! Go! Let's go!

So the six girls transform.

The six girls land on their feet.

Miyuki: The light of the future, shining bright! Cure Happy!

Akane: Dazzling Sun! Hot-blooded power! Cure Sunny!

Yayoi: Rock, paper, scissors! Sparkling bright, Cure Peace!

Nao: Laying down the gauntlet, with courage blazing! Cure March!

Reika: A gentle heart as pure as the driven snow, Cure Beauty!

Y/n: The laughter in people's hearts, with jokes and pranks. Cure Joker.

All: Our Six lights will blaze a path to the future! Shining bright, Smile Precure!
Ulric had his arms crossed, "That was quick, Precure. Today, you're going to learn just how scary I can be! [Takes out a red nose] Come forth, Akanbe!" The red nose took form of a tree as it shouted, "Akanbe!"
Also, now I won't be doing full episodes of chapters since that'll take too long x_x

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