Chapter 7: Exploring

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Baymax was carrying Fred and Wasabi, while Honey, Go Go, Hiro, and Y/n were on top of Baymax as he was flying towards the island. 'This is scary...' Thought y/n as she tried to make sure she wasnt looking down.

Go Go commented, "Killer view." Wasabi said, "Yeah. If I... If I wasn't terrified of heights, Id probably love this." 'I'm kinda scared of heights, just I don't know how I feel towards that fear, ' thought y/n.

"But I'm terrified if heights, so I don't love it," continued Wasabi as he hanged onto Baymax's arm.

So Baymax continued to fly over to the island.

Hiro pointed to a part of the island that y/n can hardly see, "There. Baymax, take us in." Then, Baymax landed on the ground as the rest got off him.

Fred yelled, "Awesome! Our first landing together as a team." Hiro whispered, "Guys, come on." The group followed as Wasabi commented as he pointed to a sign, ""Quarantine"? Uh, do you people know what "quarantine" means?"

Baymax: "Quarantine." Enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease, or, in some cases, death.

'Huh? Eh, you get to learn something new everyday I guess.'

"Oh! There's a skull face on this one. A skull face!" Yelled Wasabi. Hiro whispered ignoring him, "Be ready. He could be anywhete." Then they heard something behind them as they began to attack. Y/n however just looked behind to see smoke.

The smoke passed as it showed a bird. Y/n just says, "A bird?" Honey nervous ly says, "Well, at least we know our gear works." Y/n shrugs as Hiro ordered Wasabi to make a pathway for them through the metal door.

Wasabi did as told as it falls down as it showed a long hallway. So they went into the hallway while Fred begins to sing.

Seven intrepid friends

Led by Fred

Their leader, Fred

Fred's Angels


Harnessing the power of the sun

With the ancient amulet

They found in the attic

The amulet is green

It's probably an emerald

Wasabi said out of annoyance, "Fred, I will laser-hand you in the face." Y/n hushed them as Hiro thanked her then asked, "Any sign of him, Baymax?"

Baymax: This structure is interfering with my sensor.

Wasabi says, "Perfect. The robot's Broken." Thats until Honey says, "Uh, guys, you might want to see this." She pushed the door opened as the group went to see what she meant.

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