Chapter 28

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—---------------------------------------------------------Miyuki gasped, "Everyone was having so much fun until you showed up

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Miyuki gasped, "Everyone was having so much fun until you showed up... Come on, everybody!" The groups nods

- After Transforming -

"You Precure are really are a pain-da wasa... Come on out, Super Akanbe!"

"Super Akanbe!"

"Super Akanbe, stomp those Precure into dust and make sure to take that Joker out of the group!"

"Auper Akanbe!" Yelled Akanbe as he ran towards them. The group jumps until he shots hoops at them as they jumped out of the way.

"We're not pulling any punches today-ds wasa!"

Happy got hit as Peace got caught as she panicked.

"We ain't prizes here, ya know!" Yelled Sunny as she dodges the hoops and smacks it back at the Akanbe. Then March Yelled, "I might have messed up with my throw before, but this time's gonna be different!" As she kicks it back hitting the Akanbe.

"Way to go, you two," says Joker as she landed onto the ground as the group followed into suit. The Akanbe was dizzy then popped out of it as he got angry as she spinned around. Brooha Yelled, "Don't throw them at me-da wasa!" It almost hits the Witch as she dodged and fell on her face. She got up very angry, "What do you think you're doing-da wasa?! Didn't you hear me? I gave you an order-da wasa!"

"Gry me out of here!" Yelled Peace as Happy and Beauty tried helping remove the hoop.

"Just a little more, Peace!"

Until a hoop came and smacked at Akane as she yelped. It also hits March. Then Joker removed the hoop as the balloon hits Peace and Beauty.

"Guys!" Yelled Happy. Until Happy and Joker got smacked. Joker fell onto her back as she groans a bit.

"Great work, Super Akanbe-da wasa!"

"Why are you trying to ruin the festival?!" Asked Happy as she sat up. Brooha answered, "That stupid festival of yours is no fun at all-da wasa! Getting wreacked and being left to a Bad End is about what it deserves-da wasa!" 'She acts like a spoiled brat...' Thought Joker.

"You're not getting your way that easy!" Yelled Happy. Akane agreed, "Yeah, today's Candy's and Y/n's first time at a festival!" Peace also agreed, "Why would you try and ruin that for them?!" Beauty yelled, "These festivals are the highlights of summer, a memory to be savored!" "And we will not let you ruin that for anyone!"

"Oh, quit your whining already-da wasa! Super Akanbe! Finish then off, once and for all-da wasa! Leave the Joker out of this." Joker sighs as she stands up, "Ruinning everyone's Festival or day shall not go unpunished. We cannot let the likes of you steal that from anyone, ever."

Then they got the princess wands as they defeated the Super Akanbe getting the two charms.

"That makes six new decors-kuru!"

"Well, that's the last time I go to a festival-da wasa!" Yelled brooha as she left making everyone go back to normal.

"Now, let's get back to having fun," says Miyuki. Then yayoi smiles, "Hey, Miyuki-chan, it'll be starting soon!" "Oh, right!" Y/n and Candy tilts there heads confused. As the girls shouted, "Time for the fireworks!"

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