Chapter 38

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—---------------------------------------------------------The group was going into the next scene

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The group was going into the next scene. "Onr really appreciates how movies are shaped by the attention to detail from the entire crew," said Reika. "Alright then, time for the final scene! The people of the town band together to fight off the invading monstrous hordes!"

"Light's, camera... action!"

Akane yells, "This town is now under the control of our Monster Army!" Reika then says, "Come, my people! We must unite and fight off this vile menace!" Until an Brute came. 'He's not apart of the show,' Thought y/n. Brute then says, "Wow! I never knew... I never knew this world had so many bad monsters like me in it-oni!" Candy yelled, "It's Akaoni-kuru!" Y/n asked, "What's he doing here?" "Let me help you-oni! [Turns to the human cast] Come on, let's do this-oni!" Then he wreaked the building as the people started running away.

Then the monster cast also ran away with Brute asking, "Why are you running from me, Aooni-sama, Oni?" "Stop this at once," said Y/n as she stares at him. "Oni?" Brute turns to the Precure.

Reika then says, "Do you know where you stand? This is a hallowed place for film-lovers, the Period Drama Studio Park!" "I knew it! You are Precure-oni! I didn't recognize you in those crazy getups-oni!" "Yeah, we are! And we're trying to film a movie!" Yelled Akane. Brute yelled, "A movie? Wait, then this is all just a set-oni?" "We will not allow you to sabotage this film!" Then Pop came from behind, "Indeed we shan't-de gozaru!" "Who are you meant to be-oni?" "I roam free, with but the wind as my guide! I am Pop the Wanderer, at your aervice-de gozaru!" "Oh boy, he's back..."

"My friends... This red oni you see before you wishes for nothing more than for our movie to have a bad ending! I believe it is time for humans and monsters to unite and make a stand-de gozaru!"

"I've been duped-oni!" Yelled Brute. "Fine then!"

Then he pulled out his book.

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