Chapter 23

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n was sitting on Reika's shoulder she started making a braid out of it, y/n was still a fairy tho

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Y/n was sitting on Reika's shoulder she started making a braid out of it, y/n was still a fairy tho.

"So what's this Miracke Jewel?" Asked Miyuki. Then Candy says, "Come to think of it, that Rascal guy was looking for it, too-kuru!" Nao was worried as she questioned it with Candy nodding.

Then Puss in Boots Fairy came and explains, "The Miracle Jewel is a legendary treasure of Marchenland-lap.  If you can get hold of it, it can grant any wish-lap." "Really? Anythin' you want?" Asked Akane. "It can-lap!"

"That sounds like a treasure indeed," said Reika as y/n continued to make more braids. "We can't let Then steal it!"  "Where is it?" Asked Nao. "I couldn't tell you-lap! But it's got to be somewhere-lap!" "I wanna see it," said Miyuki.

That's when Y/n felt herself get grabbed by something or something as everyone hears Ulric chuckle, "I wouldn't mind a peek either."


The rest of the fairies ran away as the girls stood up. Reika then saw y/n in Ulric hold, "He has Y/n!" Miyuki yelled, "Give us back y/n! I thought we got our happy ending!" Ulric laughs, "You think you're capable of keeping me down?!" Somehow gets book and puts ink as everything changed into night. Then the fairies now had negative thoughts and feelings.


"I thought we already defeated Pierrot!"

Ulric chuckles, "Tpday marks the start of the true Bad End!" Y/n just stares at him as he took out a redish purplish nose, "Come on out, Super Akanbe!" Then it took form of the gingerbread house.

"Super Akanbe!"

Candy steps back in fear. "I don't know about this "super", but we won't let you take y/n and the smiles from Marchenland! Let's go girls!"

After transforming, y/n was still in fairy form as she hears pop.



Then Ulric clears his throat as y/n stares at him, "You were talking about the Miracle Jewel just now, weren't you?! Where is it or else I'll harm this little lamb in my hand." Miyuki gasped, "Why do you want to know about that!" "Emperor Pierrot is looking for it!"

"Pierrot wants the Mircale Jewel?!"

"So fess up! [Tights hold on y/n] where is it?!"

"We don't know!"

"And we wouldn't tell you even if we did know!"

"Really? So much for a sad diplomatic approach," commented Ulric as he still held Y/n.

"Get them, Super Akanbe!"

Once it started attacking, it did a harsh spin as it hits the girls and Ulric letting go of y/n.

Then y/n felt herself go back to normal as she felt some memories coming back, 'Wait demon slaying...? Nevermind...' Y/n lands on her feet and runs at the Super Akanbe and began fighting it, 'No wonder why I felt different...'

Y/n spoke as she dodged an punch, "Girls, get up. This fight is not finished." Miyuki groans, "Y/n's right. We have to protect Marchenland!"

Y/n then kicks it as it slides to a stop as wands suddenly appears in front of them.

"These things?"

"They're back!"

Then Pop yelled, "I knew it! They're the legendary Princess Candles!"

"Hurry up and get y/n!"

"Super Akanbe!" Yelled a crazy smiling Akanbe as he jumped over. Miyuki huffed as the girls did their Princess transformation and move.

After defeating it, they got two Decors in return."It keeps happening!" Yelled Ulric then he disappeared.

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