Chapter 36

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n dressed sorta like Reika as a princess as she looked at herself in the mirror, 'I feel unsure of this role

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Y/n dressed sorta like Reika as a princess as she looked at herself in the mirror, 'I feel unsure of this role... but if I must, I guess I'll go act.' Y/n makes herself smile normal as she sighs. Y/n puts back her normal face where she looks tired and blank. Y/n held onto Reika's hand as the two left.

Reika then says, "If we may... I cannot help but feel that being the princess sisters.. may be a role too important for me to be apart of." "No, you'd make a perfect princess along with y/n," said Yayoi. "You two look so pretty," commented Miyuki.

Then Akane came in with a spider costume as Miyuki asked sacred. "I am the Siren Spider! Wait, why the heck do I gotta be the villain?!" Then Nao came in, "The curtain rises for Kunoichi Nao! I'm throwing down the gauntlet!" "You're so cool, Nao!"

"You're all perfect for the parts! Alright, I'll see you all on set," said the director as he left with his crew. "Okay!" Then a guy says, "My friends..." The group turns to a guy in costume.

Y/n asked, "...Do we know you?" Then the guy says, "I roam free, with but the wind as my guide... My name is Pop the Wanderer!" Y/n felt her brows raised, 'He can turn into a human? That's... what's the word? He's cool.'

"Whoa, you can turn into a human too?!" Asked Nao.

"You look so cool!"

"You're so cool, onii-chan, kuru!"

"I have to agree, that's very awesome of you," said Y/n.

Pop rubbed the back of his head, "W-well, I'm not really... able to deny that-de gozaru. Allow me to join you in this production-de gozaru. A period drama must tell the story of a man who lives by the sword! And now, I have a chance to prove it permeates my very way of life-de gozaru!" "It ain't really that kinda movie, though..."

Y/n just shrugs.

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