Chapter 17

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Off to episode 21 we go

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Off to episode 21 we go. But last clip of episode 20:
"That fairy does hold some kind of secret, doesn't she... Oh, I'm dying to know your secret, little fairy! However, I think I finally found a way to force her to join us," says Rascal as he flips then disappears.
"Wow, it's lovely outside today! Tonight's the Tanabata festival too, so hopefully there'll be lots of stars to wish on..."

That's until a book began to fly to Miyuki's window as she began to speak, "Is that..? I think it is! It's been so long... It is you, Po-" Until her face got smacked by the book as y/n suddenly came into the room with a book in her hands. Then Miyuki falls down as Pop worriedly yelled, "Miyuki-dono!" Until Candy jumps on him yelling, "Onii-chan!" Y/n caught Miyuki as she had a dizzy face.
Villain pov
Rascal lands on the ground with water? Idk.

It shows a screen of Pierrot-sama as its clock was on 20.

"Only two more strokes and the Bad Energy Memory should be completely filled. [Takes out a card and changes it into a rose] Then, King Pierrot shall return to us, and the world will be given its Bad End!" The rose decades as two petals fall down.
Normal pov
"I'm glad to see you are all welk, my compatriots-de gozaru," smiled Pop. Reika nods, "It's been far too long." Akane pats his head, "You're still cute as ever, Pop!" Pop smacks her arm, "No more of that! Show me respect! I am a man! A proud man, whi strives to cast away the label of "cute"!" Yayoi was awed, "Aw, you're so cool!"

Pop walked back a bit, "W-well, I'm not really that..." Until he fell, but y/n caught him and placed them sitting down with a sigh as she puts her arms on the table. Then Candy hopped in front of y/n, "Onee-san! Grab my ears-kuru!" Y/n nods as she softly grabs Candy's ears.

"So, what brings you here, anyway?" "Ah, I'd almost forgetten-de gozaru! First, allow me to congratulate you on collecting so many Decors'de gozaru." Y/n finishes putting Candy's hair back to normal as Reika says, "We've collected fifteen so far, right?" Pop answered, "Candy and Y/n Madd contact with me, and informed me that only Cure Decor remained. I made haste to come and join you-de gozaru." Candy took out the phone Decor, "We phoned him-kuru!" Akane then asked, "Once we get all sixteen of those Decors, we can revive Marchenland's3Queen, right?"

"Indeed we can! He return will mean we can Marchenland from the hands of Emperor Pierrot-de gozaru."

That made Yayoi worried as Nao says, "The one trying to give our world a Bad End..." "The Emperor of Darkness..."

Then Miyuki stood up, "Don't worry! [Everyone looks to her] We're not going to let him do that to our world! Look! [Shows the Smile Precure book] This book is a fairytale about us, the Precure, see? There's all these blank pages left. That's out future, and we can share it how we want to! So let's make it an ultra happy future, full of smiles!"

"Ultra happy-kuru!"

"Yeah, you're right," agreed Akane. Then Miyuki points to the tree, "We should start by wishing on a star, then!"

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