Chapter 10

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—---------------------------------------------------------"We're finally on our field trip!" Yelled Miyuki

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"We're finally on our field trip!" Yelled Miyuki. Then she giggled as she looked to the group, "Lets take loads of photos!" The group agreed as y/n was sitting next to Miyuki with her bag on her lap.

Akane spoke while looking at the booklet, "I can't wait to eat some green tea ice cream! And then some boiled tofu while I'm at it!" Then Miyuki yelled, "We can try them all!" Then Yayoi spoke with a smile, "I wanna get a photo with of the maiko..." Then Miyuki had sparkles in her eyes as she held Yayoi's hands, "Yeah, let's do that! [Lets go of Yayoi's hands] Oh, I just can't wait!" Reika sweatdropped putting her arms up, "Please, Miyuki-chan, calm down." Then Nao took out a chocolate covered stick, "Here, say ahh."

Miyuki ate it finished as she turned to y/n, "Thanks! I brought some sweets too. So feel free to help yourselves!" Miyuki opened the bag to only see empty sweets as she stared at Candy in shock, "Candy!" "Thanks for these-kuru!" Then two students looked over to Miyuki, "Is something wrong?"

Miyuki looked up and shook her head, "O-oh, no, nothing!" Then she looked at Candy with a groan. Candy sighed, "Those were yummy-kuru..." Miyuki changed her mood as she poked Candy's cheek, "Well, I'm jot gonna get mad at you today!" "Kuru?" ""Why" you ask? Because I'm Ultra Happy today! And why is that? Because we're off on a fantastic trip of a lifetime!"

That's when the teacher spoke, "Do try and stay quiet on the train, Hoshizora-san." "Yes, ma'am..." said Miyuki as she sat down and hid her face on y/n's shoulder as she got headpatted by her.

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