Chapter 45

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—---------------------------------------------------------Pierrot: This world shall be consumed by despair

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Pierrot: This world shall be consumed by despair...

Sunny: What're we gonna do now...?

Joker: We're going to continue this fight with everything we've got.

Happy: I agree with Joker. We're not gonna let him steal away our futures!

Candy: Kuru...

Happy: Come on, Guys!

Candy: Combine our powers together-kuru!

- Ultra Rainbow Brust -

Pierrot: Wasted Effort!

Then the brust disappeared as the group got blasted back.

Then the group got de-transformed.

Y/n groans as she lifted herself up, 'Oh no...'

Miyuki: Our transformations...!

Candy: Miyuki! Onee-san! Guys!

Y/n then saw the smile pact destroyed as she held it, "The smile pact..." Reika frowned, "Does this not mean...?" Candy ran over, "You can't transform into Precurr anymore-kuru!" "No..." Y/n then says as she looked up, "Our worried do not end there...." The group looks up and stares in shock as the world was half destroyed.

Pop then shouts, "There'll be no world... no tomorrow... for us if we can't stop Pierrot-de gozaru!"

Pierrot: It seems all your talk of hope was but prattle. You children who've never known true misery... cannot hope to best the despair of the whole world!

Miyuki says, "Maybe we can't... I can't even begun to understand what true despair and misery feels like... But I... I don't want things to end like this! It can't end this way!" "Miyuki..." Akane began to cry, "Me too! There's so many things I still wanna do!" "There's people I want to protect," said Nao. Yayoi cried, "A dream I have to make come true!" Reika yelled, "A path I still yearn to walk!" Y/n then says as she looked down, "I still want to... learn more things..." "Maybe I don't understand all that stuff, but... I want to stay with my friends forever!" Yelled Miyuki as the whole group stood up.

She continued, "I want to see the world, with the ones I love! I want... I still want... to live!" Then suddenly the miracle gem started to glow. Pop then says, "That is the light of hope-de gozaru! Your resolute feelings have called forth the last vestiges of the Miracke Jewel's power-de gozaru!"

Y/n crouched down to them, "Then does that mean...." Candy cheered, "Yeah-kuru! If we use the Miracle Jewel's power, then we can tap into the last..." Then they stopped making Miyuki ask, "What's... wrong?" Pop looked down, "It's am absolute last resort-de gozaru. If we combine the power of the Miracle Jewel, and Candy, and the passions of you six Precure, we can bring forth just one final Miracle-de gozaru. But in doing so, the Miracle Jewel would be destroyed, having used the last of its power-de gozaru."

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