Chapter 7

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—---------------------------------------------------------"Bow then, I'd like to take suggestions for where we'll go on our third, free day," Said Reika who was in front of the class

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"Bow then, I'd like to take suggestions for where we'll go on our third, free day," Said Reika who was in front of the class. Then a boy raised his hand, "I've got one!" "Yes, Inoue?" Inoue stood up, "If we're in Osaka, we should definitely go try the local takoyaki!" Akane agreed as she stood up, "Sounds good! I can take ya all to a great joint I know!" "Sounds like a plan!"

"Don't say I didn't warn ya if you dislocated your hip from being so floored by 'em!" "I'd rather go shopping, actually..."

"Why don't we visit the Tennouji Zoo? The animals there are so adorable!"

"There's a Taiyouman show on that day in Namba, too..."

Meanwhile y/n only tunes them out as she was drawing in her notebook, 'Hmm.... I wonder what the group was talking with Candy about...'

"There's this bookstore in Osaka I've always wanted to go to that sells nothing but fairytale books!"

"Hey, it's Osaka, we should go to Osaka Castle! The home of the shogun Toyota might Hideyoshi!"

"I want to see the Tsuutenkaku Tower!"

"Lets go to the Expo '70 Commemorative Park!"

"That'd a bit far away..."


Y/n then yawns as she falls asleep.

"Can we quiet down please? If you have a suggestion, please raise your hand and we'll consider then one at a time..." said Reika as she tried to calm the class. Then Candy had a determined look, "Reika needs help-kuru!"

"Can we have silence? Please, everyone?"

Then Candy hops in front of the class as she huffy then yells loudly, "Will you listen to Reika for once-kuru?!" Everyone looks to Reika as she nervously giggled it off, "Do excuse my little joke-kuru..."
Timeskip with now different pov
Candy was sad until Ulric spoke, "Hey, there, fairy girl." "Kuru!" "You know, this is just me talkin'... But you don't really bring anything to the Precure's table, know what I mean?"

"Kuru?" Ulric just looks at his nails, "They won't be around much longer. There's no tomorrow for them, besides Joker who'll have no choice but to join Emperor Pierrot-sama." Candy yelled back, "That's not true-kuru! They'll never lose to you-kuru! Also, y/n will never join Emperor Pierrot-sama-kuru!" Ulric looked to her with a smirk, "Funny you say that, because I have this blue nose!"

"W-what is that-kuru?!" Questioned Candy.

Ulric explained, "See, the Akanbe these spawn are totally immune to the Precure's moves!" "Oh no-kuru!" "All I have to do is let them waster their energy firing off their attacks, and then- Damn it, she's run off!"

Meanwhile Candy was hopping/running the best she can, "This is bad-kuru! I've gotta let them know-kuru! I can help them for once-kuru!" Before she was caught by Ulric who put her in a cage that he magically has with him, "I don't think so!" He then places her on a interest poll as he chuckles, cYou sit here and be good, now." Then he disappeared with Candy yelling, "Kuru! I've got to help them-kuru!"

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