Chapter 6: Training

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Y/n was woken up by gentle shaking as Hiro shook her awake, "Hey, Y/n." Y/n yawns as she sat up with a sketch.

Y/n asked, "What happened?" Hiro began to explain about how they were becoming heroes as Fred liked to put it. Y/n hums at the info as she agreed to be apart of.

├┬┴┬┴ Timeskip ┬┴┬┴┤

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror as she realized that her outfit is sorta looking like a butterfly, 'It's actually beautiful, but I wonder what kind of attack I would use? Is it like a distraction move?'

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror as she realized that her outfit is sorta looking like a butterfly, 'It's actually beautiful, but I wonder what kind of attack I would use? Is it like a distraction move?'

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Y/n then left to sit down on the grass on her legs as she saw a yellow butterfly fly towards her as she held out a finger to it as it landed on her finger.

Thats when Hiro came, "Hey, guys! Check this out." The group look at each other then they followed Hiro. As Go Go stopped as she tapped y/n's shoulder as y/n turned to her. Go Go moved her head as a signal to follow as y/n just nods. Go Go leaves as y/n saw the yellow butterfly fly away.

Y/n got up as she followed the rest of the group.

"Id like to Introduce, Baymax 2.0," said Hiro as the group saw Baymax. Y/n was in awe. Fred gasps, "He's glorious." Baymax then waves to them.

Baymax: Hello.

That's until he saw a yellow butterfly that landed on  his finger then flew away as Baymax decided to follow it. Then Hiro ran in front of him, "Hold up. Focus." Baymax stops as he looks to Hiro as Hiro did a signal, "Show then, what you got, buddy. The fist, show them the fist." Baymax rises his arm and did a fist.

Baymax: Ba-da-la-la-la-la.

Y/n giggles as Hiro chuckles, "No, not that. That thing, the other thing." Then Baymax shots his fist at the statue punching through it to the wall.

All: Whoa!

Fred began to cheer, "Rocket fist make Freddie so happy!" Then Baymax got his arm back as Hiro said, "Thats just one of his new upgrades! Baymax, wings." "No way!" Y/n was amazed by how he makes stuff as she did a thinking pose, 'Wow...'

Then Hiro went on Baymax's back as he says, "Thrusters." Then Baymax began to fly.

Baymax: I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion.

Hiro retorted, "I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome! Full thrust!" Baymax fell then began to fly as the group dodged the incoming. Them Baymax and Hiro were now gone.

Y/n asked, "Should we wait here or..." "Lets just wait." "M'kay."

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