Chapter 12

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—---------------------------------------------------------"The weather's nice!" Yelled Miyuki

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"The weather's nice!" Yelled Miyuki. As y/n had a free umbrella to cover herself from the sun due to what had happened yesterday.
"I didn't know that Kiyonizu's was sloped."

"You could roll all the way down if you slipped..."

That's until Miyuki tripped and rolled down as Y/n ran over to her to only get hit. However Miyuki thanked her. Yayoi sighed sadly as Reika had worry, "Is Miyuki-san still...?" Akane confirmed, "I think she might still have that bad luck..."

Miyuki had a sweat going down her cheek as y/n helped Miyuki up, "Oh, don't be silly!"
After some more accidents of Miyuki's proof of having bad luck. Miyuki was dizzy, "It's still atrocious..." Y/n asked, "Are you alright?" Akane asked, "Want us to call an exorcist?" Miyuki just smiled at the two, "It's not that bad! I can cope, really." "You sure?" Questioned Yayoi.

Miyuki looked to her, "I'm totally sure!" Miyuki skips forward as she giggled. Reika smiled, "At least she's not as depressed about it as she was yesterday..." "I wonder why..."
"So this is Gion, huh."

"It's like a period drama here!"

Yayoi had her camera, "Wheres a maiko?! I gotta get my photo taken with one!" Akane spoke, "I don't think there are any..."

"Wonder where they are..."

Then Candy hopped onto y/n's head, "Time for the Lipstick Decor-kuru!" Miyuki looked to her, "Lipstick Decor?"

Make-up pact: Let's Go: Lipstick!

As Candy changed her look as y/n did a thinking pose, 'How come her looks remind me of someone that I don't remember?' Candy spoke, "Do take all the photographs you wish-kuru." Yayoi spoke as she snapped a photo, "I think we'll stick with the mental image, thanks."

"I guess entertainers like them won't just be wandering the streets.ç

"We'll just have to hope we run into one."

Before they can continue, y/n spoke, "I'll be in the bathroom. Don't worry, I'll find you guys once I'm finished." The group nods as Candy hopped into Miyuki's Head as Y/n walked away to the bathroom.

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