Chapter 8

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—---------------------------------------------------------Miyuki had sparkles on her face looking at the sweets

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Miyuki had sparkles on her face looking at the sweets. Y/n picked up a candy, "Hmm, Candy, what do you think?" No answer as y/n looked to her bag to not see her. That's when Reika went over to y/n explaining, "About Candy..." Y/n looked to her until Ulric yelled, "I've got you now, Precure!" "Oh man, don't tell me!" As the group leave the store to see Ulric standing there.

Miyuki gasped as Ulric still had a smirk on his face, "Yeah, it's me. Me with a new trick to show off! [Shows a blue nose] Come on out, Akanbe!" So The blue gum took form of a bubble gum machine as it shouts out, "Akanbe!"

Miyuki had a sweat, "A blue-nosed Akanbe?!" Akane was confused talking about something on the Akanbe's waist. Then Ulric used his book and painted it black like every other episode.

Miyuki yelled, "We won't let you give our world a Bad End! Girls!" "Right!/."
After transforming
"Akanbe!" It shouted as it rushed towards them with the girls punching it away. Then it was on its back with y/n thinking, 'That's strange...' Miyuki pointed out how it was different.

Reika reminded her to not let her guard down with Miyuki nodding. The Akanbe stood back up as Yayoi panicked, "It didn't work?" "Alright then!" Yelled Miyuki as she got ready for her special attack.

Once she shot it at the Akanbe as Miyuki smiled, "Alright!" Until the dust disappeared to show the Akanbe still up. "Why didn't it work?!" Shouted Miyuki.

'This is very bad...' Thought y/n. As Ulric smirks, "Oh, I like this!" Then Akane yelled, "Fine then, well take it down together!" Reika Retorted, "Don't be so hasty!" But the three didn't listen as they did their special moves:
- Sunny: Sunny Fire!
- Peace: Peace Thunder!
- March: March Shoot!

It hit the Akanbe, but it didn't work. Yayoi was surprised, "None of then worked?!" "Do our attacks not affect it...?" Questioned Reika.

"Precisely," answered Ulric as he laughed. He explained, "Your moves are designed to purify Cure Decors, after all. But these blue noses aren't made from Cure Decors! So those moves of yours won't do a thing!" Then Happy shouted, "Then what are we meant to do, Candy?!"

Then Joker asked, "Where is Candy? She's usually always with us?" Then Beauty put a hand on Joker's shoulder, "Happy, Joker, I'm afraid Candy's..."

Before Beauty can continue her response, Ulric yelled, "Get then, Akanbe!" Then the Akanbe spit out bubbles at the group (which is ew...).

However, once they jumped it followed them as it only got four of the six of the Precure.

Joker landed on her feet as Beauty went over to the group, "Are you alright?" Happy yelled, "I can't get out!" Akane shouted, "The heck either these capsules?!" Beauty frowned, "What can I do...?" Joker did a fighting stance as she walked backwards to Beauty, "We fight for a bit..." Beauty only nods as Ulric yells, "Get these two too, Akanbe!" The two Precure girls quickly defended themselves from the bubbles.

However after some time, Beauty was huffing in tiredness with Joked still doing the defensive. Joker continued to defend herself and Beauty from the bubbles.

Joker heard Beauty stand up as she said, "This will never end at this rate... If we can at least pin it down... Joker, I'll need your help with this." Joker nods as she warns her, "After using my special move... I'll pass out, but I'll still help you." Beauty nods as the two got ready.

- Beauty: Beauty Blizzard!
- Joker: Joker Card.

"Stupid girls! It's not going to work!" Until Joker's cards pushed the Akanbe down as Blizzard froze it's body as it shouted, "Akanbe!"


"Oh, I get it!"

"They worked together to put the Akanbe to the ground!"

That's when Beauty fell onto her knees as y/n fell down as she rested her eyes.

"Beauty! Joker!"

Ulric glared at Beauty, "Looks like you're done for, you little Precure bray! Time to finish you!" Y/n was peacefully sleeping as Candy suddenly came as she hopped onto Miyuki's prison bubble, "Stop-kuru!"




Candy then explains, "I've got bad news-kuru! Your moves aren't gonna work on that blue-nosed Akanbe-kuru!" Then Ulric laughs, "I think they've figured that out already!" Miyuki asked, "Candy, how are we meant to beat that Akanbe?"


"We ain't got no chance unless we know how to beat it!"






"I don't know-kuru..." Which made the girls panicked.

"I'm so sorry-kuru..."

Y/n only slightly opened her eyes due to Ulric's laughing as he pointed at Candy, "You really are a useless little fairy!"


Beauty went over to Joker and helped her up as Joker rubbed her head.

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