Chapter 5

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n was following Miyuki by her side even though she is running, y/n is just walking besides her

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Y/n was following Miyuki by her side even though she is running, y/n is just walking besides her. Miyuki yelled, "What a lovely day! I might not be late for once, either!" That's until Candy yelled, "Look, shooting stars! They fell over there!"

"Seriously?! What were they...?" Questioned Miyuki. Y/n stopped and looked over to her and Candy, "Aren't you going to go to school?" Miyuki shook her head, "Me and Candy will go check up on the shooting stars." Y/n only nods, "Okay, see you two back at school." Y/n waves at them as she walked to school.
Y/n walked over to the group as she asked, "What happened?" Candy or y/n thought was Candy spoke, "Yes! Candy and me switched bodies!" Y/n tilts her head as her monotone stare just stares at them, 'Swapped bodies?" "I'm Miyuki!" "And I'm Candy-kuru!"

"How very puzzling..." commented Reika. However Yayoi was in awe as Nao was skeptical, "Are we sure they're not just playing some joke on us?" Akane agreed, "That's what I figured at first, too. But if they're faking it, they're doing a dang good job." Y/n did a thinking pose, 'Hmm.... is it me or do they both have rings?'

"Candy" Yelled, "That's what we've been trying to tell you!" Then "Miyuki" spoke, "Alright then, I'll prove I'm the real Candy-kuru! [Stands up] Look closely now, everyone-kuru!" The group comes over to see "Miyuki"'s right ear only moving.

"She's definitely Candy!"
"Ain't that something..."
"She's far too good at that..."

"Candy" brightly yelled, "Whoa, Candy! Let me try too!" "Candy" began trying to do it as "Miyuki" smiled, "You can do it-kuru! That's it!"

Yayoi: "You can do it, Miyuki-chan!"

"Candy": "Hey, I think im getting the hang of this!"

Akane: "They're sure having fun."

Reika: "Well, now we're sure they changed places..."

Y/n: "Do we have any idea this actually happened? Is it due to the rings you two are wearing?"

"Candy" nods, "Yeah! It is these rings!" "These must've done it-kuru," agreed "Miyuki". "Candy" explained, "We picked them up off the ground, and when we did, we swapped bodies..." Y/n looked around to see no one looking at them, 'That's good...'

"Would removing them not solve the problem, then?" Asked Reika. Nao put a finger up, "Nice thinking!" So Nao and Akane with Yayoi tried removing the rings to only hear "Miyuki" and "Candy" in pain.

Reika sighed, "I suppose that would be too easy..." Y/n hummed as Yayoi spoke, "Hey, why not try that new Decor?" Akane smiled, "Yeah, good idea!" So y/n put the Ring Decor in her make-up pact as it made two rings, "Let's Go: Ring!"

"Candy" complimented the rings as Yayoi also agreed commenting about how they looked like wedding rings. Unnoticed by anyone, Reika looked to Y/n who was staring at the three with a tilt of her head as she blushes. Reika turns away as she felt her face become calm.

"Now what?" Questioned "Candy". That's until the two rings disappeared as Akane went into shock, "Is that it?!" Nao nervously giggled then turns to the group, "Well, now what do we do? Class is about to start..." "Candy" hops into y/n's arms as she cried out, "Oh man! What are we gonna do about class?!" Reika puts a hair behind her ear, "I fear we may have to let Candy attend in your stead..."

"Miyuki" Yelled out in happiness, "I can go to class-kuru? Yay-kuru!" Y/n asked as she crossed her arms in suspension, "Do you think you can manage it?" "Miyuki" nods, "Of course I can-kuru! Just leave it to me-kuru!" "Oh, boy..." 'I don't believe Candy......'
Y/n had her arms crossed as she watched "Candy" and the girls tired, 'Where's Candy?'

Nao sighs tiredly, "I'm beat..." "Well, we got through today somehow... but I can't take much more of that..."

"Are you guys that tired?" Asked y/n. "Your speaking in sarcasm," commented Akane. Y/n just crosses her arms as "Miyuki" came over to them holding papers, "Miyuki, look-kuru! I got a nice circle from that teacher-kuru! See-kuru?" Y/n sighed as she felt as if she should leave, so she silently leaves before some arguing can begin.
Y/n saw purple disappearing magic as she crossed her arms, 'Huh? Who was that? Were they following me?' That's until she was told that Candy was missing so she picked up "Candy" and they continued to try finding her.

"Candy" Shouted, "Stop right there!" "Girls!" Shouted "Miyuki" who was proud and glad.

"Miyuki" looked to "Candy" who was on y/n's hand, "Miyuki... you came to find me-kuru!" "Candy" puts a smile, "Of course I did, silly!" That's when Brooha looked at them, "There you are, Precure! I'm afraid Cure Happy won't be joining you today!" "Really?!"

Y/n gently placed down "Candy" as she took out her make-up pact. Akane shouts, "Guess we'll have to fight extra hard instead!"
Make-up pact: Ready?

All: Precure, Smile Charge!

Make-up pact: Go! Go, Go! Let's go!

Akane: Dazzling Sun! Hot-blooded power! Cure Sunny!

Yayoi: Rock, paper, scissors! Sparkling bright, Cure Peace!

Nao: Laying down the gauntlet, with courage blazing! Cure March!

Reika: A gentle heart as pure as the driven snow. Cure Beauty!

Y/n: The laughter in people's hearts, with jokes and pranks. Cure Joker.
Brooha huffed as she took out a red nose, "Come forth, Akanbe!" Then a small Akanbe formed. Akane commented, "It's tiny!" Brooha smirks, "Don't judge a book by its cover, now! You might regret it!"


It smacked Sunny, Beauty, and Peace. However, Joker caught Peace as Peace thanked her. March jumped on the Akanbe to only hang on to it.

March yelled, "Settle down already, will you?!" Akanbe then threw her off as March quickly landed on her feet as the Akanbe hopped into the air as shots two srings at Sunny and March as it trapped them. "The heck?!" As the Akanbe hopped passed them and he then shot three more at Beauty, Peace, and Joker. With only Joker jumping out of the way and smacking the sring as it breaks with Brooha in shock, "Akanbe! Shot more srings to distract her!" "Akanbe!" More srings were being more shot at Joker as she ran away and broken most of them.
After Cure Candy defeated the Akanbe, the srings stopped and broken away. Y/n huffed as she went over to the group. "Miyuki" smiled, "It's the Cherry Blossom Decor-kuru!" Brooha yells, "I'll get you for this!"

Then Brooha disappears as everything went back to normal. "Miyuki" pours the liquid on her ring the same with "Candy's. "Candy" Asked, "Will that do it...?" Then the two rings began to glow as it disappeared.

Then the two looked at each other then hugged each other, "We're back to normal!" Y/n looked up to the beautiful sky as the group talked.

"That's a day of my life I ain't gonna forget..."

"It was rather fun, though! Maybe we should have left them like that a bit longer..."

"Please, no!"

"Thought so..."

Miyuki sighed, "Guess I have those remedial lessons to do tonight..." Candy smiled, "I'll help you do them-kuru!" "As long as you actually help this time..." "You can trust me-kuru!" "Alright, then let's blitz through them!" Yelled Miyuki as she grabbed y/n's wrist and began running with Candy yelling, "Kuru!"

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