Chapter 13

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—---------------------------------------------------------After y/n finished doing her business, she left the bathroom to only see some people on the floor

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After y/n finished doing her business, she left the bathroom to only see some people on the floor. So, y/n could only guess that the girls transformed so she quickly transformed into Cure Joker.

After Tranforming, Joker decided to try finding the group to only be stopped when she heard teleporting sounds. So, she stopped and looked around as she went into a fighting stance as she suddenly made a wooden staff, "....Who's there?" "Ah! So you've noticed, as suspected of you, N/n," said a teasing voice of someone as he appeared in front of y/n who stared at him.

Y/n questioned, "What do you want?" "Just to stop you from helping your group, why else?" Answered Rascal. Y/n just stares at him as she ran up to him, 'I guess I'll just have to get passed you...'

Y/n then began fighting Rascal with the wooden staff. To only had it defected by Rascal as he chuckled, "I'm not here to actually fight you, since I think I might've found a way to turn you on our side for once." Y/n jumped back as she spoke, "I'm not going to let that happen." Then y/n noticed he had his card out, so y/n quickly turned on her heel and ran out of there with Rascal laughing in the distance.

Then y/n saw a bright glow somewhere which she guessed that it was the group as she quickly ran over there and helped the group.

"You're finally here, Joker!"

Y/n only nods as the group yelled together, "Once, two... five!" As they pushed the thing away as it made the Akanbe step back a bit.

"Now, combine your powers-kuru!"

Make-up pact: Let's go!

All: Precure... Rainbow... Healing!

Then everyone went back to normal. "These blue noses are useless-oni!" Yelled Brute. Then he disappeared.
"Thanks, everyone... We didn't get to do what we wanted thanks to my luck, but..." Until Nao began to laugh as Miyuki questioned about it with Nao responding between giggles, "Sorry, it's just so funny to think about... We were talking about falling in that stage, and you go and do it!"

Reika giggled, "And that tine you fell in the pond and sacred all the Koi away..."

Akane laughs, "And making a fool of yourself by wearing your jersey for the class photo..."

Yayoi also giggled, "And getting that ice cream in your face..."

"You meanies..." pouted Miyuki. Until she giggled also, "But I guess it is kinda funny, that my luck was that bad!" 'Is this how a group of friends are together?' Thought y/n until she saw something, "Wait, look guys." Yayoi gasped, "There's some maiko!" "But why? I've got such bad luck..."

Reika pointed out, ""Fortune blesses those who smile." By smiling, we can all find our own luck, or so they say." '"Fortune blesses those who smile"..... huh? I wonder when will I smile when the time comes...' Thought y/n as she did a thinking pose.

Nao smiled, "See. It's like you always say, Miyuki-chan." Miyuki smiled brightly, "Hey, I guess so..."

Then the group took a photo with the two Maiko.

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