Chapter 8: Learning the Actually Truth

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Once they went into the room they see a rekt place. 'I wonder what happened here,' thought y/n. Go Go questioned, "What do you think it is, genius?" Hiro stammers, "I'm not sure. But look."

He pointed to the same symbol that he saw and drew on paper. They then went to a room as y/n gently pushed it.

Then one by one, everyone goes inside the room to see a red screen. Hiro pressed a button as it showed one screen that was still working which was the control room. "Krei." Then Hiro pressed the backwards button as it went backwards to where it started.

Krei: That's right. We were asked to do the impossible. That's what we did. We've reinvented the very concept of transportation. Friends, I present Project Silent Sparrow.

Then the two portals opened with pretty colors. 'Thats strange,' thought y/n.

Krei: General, may I?

The general person gave him his hat as Krei threw it through the portal as the worker caught it. That surprised the group as Fred said, "Whoa! Magic hat!" Then the person threw it back in the portal as Krei caught it.

Krei: Teleportation. The transport of matter instantaneously through space. Not science fiction anymore. Now, we didnt spend billions of tax dollars to teleport hats. [Leads them to the control room] Ladies and gentlemen, you're here to witness history. [Clicks on coms] Ready to go for a ride, Abigail?

'Abigail? Is that her? She so beautiful and pretty,' thought y/n as she looks to Abigail.

Abigail: We've invited all these people. Might as well give then a show.

Abigail was pressing buttons.

AUTOMATED VOICE: T-minus 30 seconds to launch. 29... 28...

Man over radio: This is Argo.

Woman: Capsule's in pisition.


Argo: Sir, we've picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment field.

Krei: Huh.

General: Mr. Krei, is there a problem?

Krei: No. No problem. It's well within the parameters. Lets move forward.

AUTOMATED VOICE: 3... 2... 1... Cabin pressure is go. Pod engaged.

Then the pod went into the portal as y/n didn't like how she got a bad guy about this. Which was right as someone yelled.

Technician: Field breach! Abort! We've lost all contact with the pod.

Then the fire came from the portal as y/n widen her eyes as she didn't know her hand went on her mouth as she quietly gasps, 'Callaghan didn't tell me how she disappeared...' "Oh, no," said a worried Honey.

Man 1: it's breaking up!

Man 2: The pilot is gone.

Man 3: Portal two is down!

Then the first portal began to suck up stuff.

Woman 1: The magnetic containment field's down!

Then is exploded.

General: Krei, shut it down now!

Krei did as told.

General: I want this island sealed off!

Hiro spoke, "The government shut down Krei's experiment." "And he's using your mic robots to steal his machine back," said y/n as the two look at each other. "Fred was right, Krei is the guy in the mask."

Baymax: Oh, no.

Then a piece of the building got throw at them.

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