Chapter 33

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n puts the elephant charm in her Smile Pact

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Y/n puts the elephant charm in her Smile Pact.

Smile Pact: Let's go: Elephant!

Then it made an Elephant as Candy went over to it, "Lets water the vegetables together-kuru!"

Y/n sighed as she wore her garden gloves as she went to go help out.

After some time, Oba came as she shouted, "The corn's done, girls!" Y/n stood up as she nods with the girls yelled, "Okay!"

Then the group went together and ate the corn until they heard Ulric screaming. Which made y/n look over to the forest as he ran out of there as he yelled, "The heck was that?!"

"Ulric?!" Yelled Miyuki out of surprise. "You brats?! What are you doing here?" Questioned Ulric. Akane Retorted, "Could ask you the same, soggy!" Y/n stood up as she stared at him. "I was just cooling off, when that--" Until he sniffs the air to smell corn as Miyuki was weirded out, "What's wrong with you?" Then Oba says, "Oh my, I think he must be hungry. [Stands up] I'll go fetch you something to eat. I'll just be a second."

Then y/n saw Ulric's face blush out of embarrassment, "Hey, you, not so fast! Why on earth aren't you scared of me?!" Then Oba stops and turns to him, "Scared? But you're such a cute little fox!" "I'm not a fox, you dumb broad, I'm a wolf!" "Well, you're still very adorable!" Then Akane started to laugh but tried to cover her mouth as Yayoi commented, "Don't laugh at the poor guy." "Sorry, can't help it..."

Then Ulric yelled, "Okay. That's the last straw! I'll show you just how scary a wolf can be!" As he puts on his boots as opened the book.

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