Chapter 31

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n was sitting down as she looked at the view, 'It's peaceful

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Y/n was sitting down as she looked at the view, 'It's peaceful....' Then the group came out as Nao shouts out, "Wow, the view from here is absolutely amazing!" "It really is a beautiful place," agreed Reika.

Then Akane leaned over to Candy, "We're counting on you to keep your promise. Got it, Candy?" Yayoi agreed, "We brought you here on the condition that you'll pretend to be a plushir when people are around." Candy yelled, "I know, jeez-kuru!" "Shh! Way too loud!"

"I'm sorry-kuru..." That's when the Lady came into the room, "Maybe this will help you recover from your journey." Y/n stood up as Nao nods, "Oh, I can do that!"

Nao went over to took the plate as the lady thanked her. Reika went to help Nao as The Lady looked up, "You five take a break, anyway. You must be hot from your walk." The two girls nodded and walked to the table. Y/n just nods as she went to sit at the table as she thought about the three plushes.

"You've had a good crop this year, haven't you? The vegetables look great!" Said Miyuki. The lady just smiles, "I'm chilling some down by the river. Shall we?" Miyuki's eyes sparkle, "Okay!"
They left to the river as y/n held a tomato and ate it as she felt the coldness and tasteness. Akane yelled, "Thisbis really tasty!" Miyuki agreed, "I know, right? My grandma grows the most delicious vegetables!" Then Yayoi says, "The river really chilled them well, too!" "This is seriously good! Like, mega good!"

"Not feeling the heat of the sun anymore?" Asked y/n. Akane looked to her, "Not at all! I'm good to go!" "I'd forgotten how good cucumbers could be!" "These tomatoes are really sweet, too!" "Really?" That's when Miyuki asked, "What's the matter, Nao-chan?" Y/n looked to Nao as she Stammered, "Uhh, well, it's just... you think kappa could be real?" "You scared of them?" Teased Akane.

"Don't be silly!" Retorted Nao. Then the lady says, "If that's what it is... [Takes a cucumber and gives it to Miyuki] Miyuki?" "Sure!" Nodded Miyuki as she took the cucumber and went over to the flowing river as she places the cucumber in the water as it floats away. Then she stands up, "Here's a cucumber, Mr. Kappa-san, so don't play any tricks on us, okay?"

The group turns ti look at her in confusion as Miyuki explains, "Kappas love cucumbers, so they won't bother you if you give them one. Right, Grandma?" Oba (the name I've decided to give her) nods, "Right."

"Then... they really do exist?" Questioned Akane. "No way..."

Then Miyuki came back to the group, "Well, Grandma used to tell me lots of stories as a kid. One of thek was about a kid being saved by a kappa... another kid was saved by a tongue, a wind spirit... and this other kid was saved by a friendly spectre..." 'Spirities.... be respectful or else you'll be payed badly...' Thought y/n as she remembered the ghost and spirit stories that was told by her father-figure Haru.

"It's good that they're nice spirits through," said Yayoi. Miyuki nods as she sat next to Candy, "Yeah, if you're nice to them, they'll help you out and bring you things." "Presents?" Questioned Y/n.

"Yeah! They might give you fish, or wines, or rice cakes... [Turns to her grandma] But anyway, my grandma knows a lot of stories like that, so she always used to tell them to me as I was growing up." "I suppose that explains why you love fairytale so much," commented Reika as Miyuki laughs.
Then the sun began to go down as the group was now inside the house as they got ready for diner. "We're ready!"

"Huh? Grandma, there's one too many plates here!" Yelled Miyuki. As the Oba came into the room with a pot, "Is your friend not eating with us?" Then Candy pops from under the table as y/n looked to her as the group stops her from jumping as they fell ontop on each other. Y/n just had a sweatdrop with dotted eyes.

"Don't be silly, Grandma! She's just a plushie! She can't eat!" "Can't she?" Questioned Oba. That's when a guy came, "Got some company I see, Tae-chan." "Why hello!"

Then y/n turned her head to see the guy carrying a bag, "These are nice and cool, so go ahead and eat them with the kids." "You're always so kind," says Oba. She stands up, "Help yourself to those vegetables, if you want." "That's quite the haul, isn't it?" "I've had a really good harvest this year." "Lucky you!"

"Miyuki... You're heavy-kuru..." "Ah, sorry!"

The group eats the food thanking the grandma.

Then they went outside as y/n ate the watermelon, "This is really sweet... I guess... I didn't eat much back in my universe, huh?' Meanwhile Yayoi and Nao was playing with fireworks sticks.

"Say, Grandma... why don't you come and live with us?" Asked Miyuki. "Mom and Dad are worried about how well you can cope on your own... and I'd really like being able to spend more time with you! I mean, if you want to..."

"Yeah, I mean, it's nice out here, but it ain't exactly easy to get around," commented Akane."The summers seen inhospitable, too. It would be awful if you fell ill," said Reika. "Well, Grandma?" Oba sighed as she smiled, "Thank you, Dear. But I rather like living here." Miyuki was concerned so she asked, "But why?" Oba answers, "Everywhere I look here, I'm surrounded by treasures of mine."

Y/n asked, "Treasures?" Y/n looked forward as she now knew what the grandma was saying. "What treasures are those, Grandma?" "Not telling," teased Oba. "There aren't many more of these, you know," said Nao. "Come join us already." "Oh dear! Shall we, then?" Asked Oba as she stood up. Y/n nods as she went with oba over to Nao and Yayoi.

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