Chapter 16

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n woke up as Miyuki told her it's time for school

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Y/n woke up as Miyuki told her it's time for school.
Miyuki stands up as she responds, "So, my name, Miyuki, means "unfounded happiness". My parents named me that in the hopes I'd always be able to find happiness even in the darkest of times." Akane says a nice comment.
Reika writes her name on the board, "My name is written using Kanji meaning "graceful flower". My grandfather wished that I would grow to carry elegance and grace in heart and soul." "That's Reika to a tee, I guess."
That's when Yayoi stands up shyly, "My name, Yayoi, was the name of the third month of the old calendar. That's when all the Plants come into bloom, so my parents named me that hoping I'd be lively and full of vitality." "Huh, neat." "Well, you're sure lively alright, Yayoi!" "Yeah..."

"Next up, Y/n."

Y/n stood up as everyone stared at her, y/n for the first time didn't know what to say as she looked down. Reika felt worried as she asked, "Y/n, something wrong?" Y/n looked up as she puts her hands together in a fist, "No... But I don't feel like saying the meaning...." "Oh, It's okay, we can find out later."
Y/n had her purple umbrella 🌂 ☂️ ☔️ since it was raining.

Miyuki frowned as she looked to Yayoi, "Wait, you just looked up your name's meaning yourself, Yayoi?" Yayoi nods, "Yeah... my Papa as the one who named me, and he's already passed away. Mama didn't know either, so..." "I see."

Yayoi sighed, "I wonder why he did call me Yayoi..." Akane frowns, "Better than me. I'm only Akane 'Cause it starts with an "ah" sound. Easy ta call if they need to." "That was your dad's reason, right? What was your mom's?" "Well, it means "crimson". Mom was like, "I thought the crimson sky when you were born was beautiful and I want my little girl to grow up to be as beautiful inside as that sky was! That's why we chose Akane! Though I'm bettin' she made that up afterwards."

"Oh, don't be silly." Then Nao spoke, "Mine's even more straightforward
, literally. "I just want you to be a simple, honest girl! So straight to the point: Nao!" Ain't even funny, really." "Hey, that's my gig!" Yelled Akane as Nao just rubbed the back of her head.

"But you are a very honest and straightforward girl, Nao." Nao shurgs, "I guess." Reika looked to y/n who was behind the group. Reika's face turned into worry, "Y/n, during class... Why couldn't you answer the question?" Y/n just shurgged as she walked ahead as she left the group behind.

Akane sighed, "I wonder what's up with her... She's too quiet... very quiet.." Miyuki looks to the group, "Y/n... never told you guys... but, she doesn't remember what happened before she met with Candy and Pop...." The group looks to her in confusion. Nao questioned, "I thought she would be your distant cousin." Miyuki coughs a bit before clearing her throat, "No. But, I feel like she doesn't have parents..." Reika frowns, "That's sad.."
Y/n stopped walking as she sighed as she looked up to the sky, '...Why did I didn't answer...' Then y/n closes the umbrella 🌂.

That's until she saw the night sky suddenly, 'That's not a normal moon... wait, it's ulric.' Y/n turned her heel and quickly went to go to the group.
After transforming, the Akanbe breaks down a wall as the group uses their special moves to attack. The Akanbe jumps as Happy and Joker holds hands and jumps and punches the Akanbe down.

The four girls from the bottom jump and hits the Akanbe's stomach. Then Ulric came out of the building annoyed, "What are you doing, Akanbe?!" Then the Akanbe opens his eyes and kicks the four girls away. Miyuki yelled, "Are you all okay?!" Then the Akanbe grabs Miyuki, then throws her away with him grabbing y/n and tighting the hold. Y/n groans a bit as she felt the Akanbe land on his feet and began to run at the girls.

He goes to punch Happy, she dodges then runs at him. "Let Joker go!" Yelled Happy as she only gets thrown away.

Sunny tried a sneak attack to only get knee in the face and flew away. March tried to kick Akanbe as he just flips away then punches her away with y/n becoming a bit dizzy, 'This will give me a huge headache.'


Then Beauty stood up and ran at the Akanbe as she dodged a punch until he punched again. "Stop!" Yelled Peace as she jumped to punch it to only hesitate. Y/n looked to her, "Peace..." As Akanbe just punches her away.

Y/n shook her head as she tried to free herself but the Akanbe only tights his grip even harder. Y/n then stops trying to do anything as she just let's the Akanbe hold her.

After some fighting, the girls were on their knees, but Peace came from behind as she spoke, "My papa was so kind to me, and that's why I want to be kind to others in return! We can all give a little kindness to those around us, if we try! That'd how we show our love!"


Ulric turned and yelled, "Shut up! I don't need any love to squash you like a pancake!" The Akanbe turns around and runs at her with her yelling, "If you don't have any love to give... then I'll give you some of my papa's!"

Then she was beginning to use her special move.


Joker knew that she had to do this as she secretly puts her hands together as she made her wooden staff as the Akanbe was shocked.

"Peace Thunder!"

Joker quickly ran at the Akanbe as it got shot, "Akanbe..." Then a cure Decor came out as Ulric yelled, "I'll get you for this!" Then he disappeared woth everything went back to normal.

Then Happy caught the Cherry Decor.

"It's the Cherry Decor-kuru! We've got a whole bunch now-kuru!"

Meanwhile Peace held the fox paper close to her.
I decided to add Pop as a love interest since it wouldn't make sense if Ulric is like a fairy the whole time.

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