Chapter 2: :|

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Note - Hiro is going to be the love interest only.

Go Go commented, "Yep. He's nervous." "Oh." "Oh, you have nothing to fear, little fellow," said Fred. Henly says, "He's so tense." Hiro Denys it, "No, I'm not." Honey says, "Relax, Hiro. Your tech is amazing. Tell him, Go Go."

"Stop whining. Woman up," Said Go Go. "I'm fine!" Wasabi asked, "What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?" Go Go looks at him with a weird face, "Underpants? You need serious help."

"Hey, I come prepared," shrugged Wasabi. Fred says, "I haven't done laundry in six months. One pair lasts me four days. I go front, I go back, I go inside-out. Then I go front and back." Wasabi gags as Y/n came over saying, "That is disgusting." As Takashi says, "I agree but it is also awesome."

Go Go retorts, "Do not encourage him." Fred says, "It's called "recycling."" Hiro asked, "So um y/n why did you come?" Y/n turns to him, "To see how well you will do. Which I know you will do great at with that head of yours." Hiro smiles as he blushed a bit. Y/n just pats his shoulders as she left to go talk with Professor Callaghan who adopted her when he found her on the park bench.

◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡ Time skip to after ♡⋆♡●⑅⃝◌

Y/n felt herself smile as she went to Hiro. "You did great, Hiro." Hiro smiled as he nods. Thats when the group heard Keep say, "Yes." Y/n distrusted him due to Callaghan saying stuff about him and how he loved his daughter because of Krel.

Krel came over to the group, "With some development, your tech could be revolutionary." Hiro stammers, "Alistair Krrl!" Krel held out his hand, "May I?" Hiro took out a Micro bot and gave it to him as he checks it.

He hums, "Extraordinary. I want your mic robots at Krel Tech." Hiro was in shock and surprise d, "Shut up." Then Callaghan came over, "Mr. Kerl is right. Your mic robots are an inspired piece of tech. You can continue to develop them, or you can sell them to a man who's only guief by his own self-interest." Krel just sighs, "Robert, I know how you feel about me, but it shouldn't affect..." Y/n interrupted him with a cough. He stops as y/n turns to Hiro who looks unsure.

Y/n spoke, "Hiro, it's your choice if you want to or not." Hiro looks to her then back at the two as Callaghan then warned, "Mr. Krel has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is." "That's just not true," retorted Callaghan. Callaghan ignored him, "I wouldn't trust Krei Tech with your microbots or anything else."

Krei just sighs, "Hiro, I'm offering you more money than any 14-year-old could  imagine." 'Is he trying to use money to change Hiro's mind?' Thought y/n. Hiro looked to Takashi as he answered, "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but they're not for salr." Then Krei gave his respond, "I thought you were smarter than that. [Looks to Callaghan] Robert."

Callaghan just nods as Krei began to walk away. Thats until Takashi said, "Mr. Krei." He and his assistant looked back as he spoke, "That's my brother's." Krei looked confused until he took out the micro not throwing it back at Hiro as he caught it. Then the two leave as Callaghan gave Hiro a letter as he said, "I look forward to seeing you in class." Hiro gasps as he took it."

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