Chapter 6

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Skipping episodes: 9, 10, and 11

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Skipping episodes: 9, 10, and 11. However in the Japanese one, episode 10 is very interesting I've got to tell you.
"Nice job, Yayoi-chan!" Commented Miyuki. Y/n had Candy on her Lap as she tilted her head. Yayoi had a blush from the compliments, "It's nothing special!" Candy asked, "What're you drawing, Yayoi-kuru?" Yayoi smiled, "It's the cover for our field trip logbook."

""Field trip"? What's that-kuru?" Asked Candy. Miyuki answered, "Our class is going on a trip for 3 days." "Going away...?"

"We all get to ride a bullet train, and gossip the whole way there!" "Kuru!" "Our destination: thr historic city of Kyoto! Then we head to KY hometown, Osaka!" "The food there's somethin' else!" "Kuru!" "And at night, we get to talk about girly stuff together!" "Kuru!" "Hopefully we can bring back lots of souvenirs, too!" "Sounds like it's gonna be fun-kuru!"

Y/n did a thinking pose while sitting down, 'I don't really understand the girly stuff part...' "Yeah, it is!" Then Reika coughed, "May I remind you that this trip is supposed to broaden your horizons. In other words, don't neglect your studies." "We know..."

"Remember you're only allowed 500 yen worth of snacks, too." The four girls turned to Reika in surprised. Candy yelled, "Snacks?! I cant wait-kuru!" Y/n yawns as she rubbed her eyes, "I'm going to use go bathroom." The group nods as y/n removed Candy and placed her down. Y/n got up and left the rooftop as she went to the bathroom as she washed her face.
Villain pov
"I'll take this one-oni!" Yelled Brute as he pulled a card from Ulric. Instead he got the joker card, "I got the old maid-oni!" Ulric laughs as he got a card from Brooha, "Victory is mine!" Once he puts a card down the cards got blown up into the air.

That's when Rascal spoke with glee, "Hello, my three dear commanders! [Jumps and lands] How is life treating you this day?" Ulric hmphed, "It's just you, Rascal." Brooha asked, "What do you want-da wasa?" Rascal did a spin, "You've done a splendid job of collecting Bad Energy to bring back our glorious Emperor, King Pierrot-sama!" Brute closed his eyes, "Of course-oni!"

Brooha glared at him, "You only came here just to flatter us-da wasa?" Then Rascal stops spinning as he looked at them, "Non, non! The purpose of my visit, my dear, is to discuss the Precure! We didn't really expect them to be such a bother. I mean, they've caused you so many problems." "What'd you say-da wasa?!" "Don't be ridiculous-oni!" "I'll obliterate them next time!"

"Oh, that is remarkably reassuring! I suppose, then, you won't be needing these..." said Rascal as he showed them the blue noses versions of red noses.

"What are those-da wasa?"

"These are blue noses."

"Blue noses?"

"Indeed," said Rascal as he began throwing the blue noses in a circle, "As opposed to our normal red noses, the Akanbe these generate will be totally immune to the Precures' moves." "How?" "It's because these aren't made from Cure Decor like the usual ones. Of course, that does mean they'll be weaker than your normal Akanbe..."

"They're useless, then-oni!"

"No... [holds a blue nose] If they're immune to the Precures' attacks, we can use them to lay a trap-da wasa," said Brooha. Ulric smirks, "Oh, I see!" "I get it-oni!"

"I'm very glad to be of service."

"Alright then! Time for me to go crush those Precure!"


"It's my turn to fight them-da wasa!"

"No, mine-oni!"

"I said I'd go first!"

Rascal who sneakily left the room as the three argued, "Honestly, the things one puts up with... Now, perhaps I'd be better served searching for the Miracle Jewel, granted of a single wish... and a way to make y/n join with force..."

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