Chapter 18

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Wow, my own gif that I made o

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Wow, my own gif that I made o. Another app >-<
Pop asked, "What is that, exactly-de gozaru?" "It's so pretty-kuru!" Miyuki ran over and explains, "This is bamboo for thr Tanabata festival." "Festival?" Questioned y/n. Yayoi said, "Today's Tanabata, you see." Y/n asked, "What's Tanabata?" Nao begins to explain, "On the 7th of July each year, the fated lovers Hikoboshi and Orihime can cross the Milky way, and be together for one night."

Then Reika holds a slip of paper, "It's said that if you write a wish upon a card and hang it from the bamboo, that wish will come true." Pop did a 'Oh' face, "I wasn't aware you had such legends in your world, too-de gozaru. [Smiles] We have a similar tradition in Marchenland called Pegasus Day-de gozaru." "Pegasus Day?" Asked a confused Yayoi.

"You mean this kind of Pegasus?" Asked Akane as she did a motion with her arms. "Exactly that kind if pegasus-de gozaru! [Flips backwards] Bam-de gozaru!" He transforms into a Pegasus, "Neigh-de gozaru!" Y/n claps.


"I wanna ride on you!"

Then Pop coughs a bit, "Ahem. Once a year, on Pegasus Day, countless shooting stars fill the sky of Marchenland. We light candles, making wishes upon them to the pegasus-like stars soaring through the skies-de gozaru. The legends say that if we do so, the Pegasi will grant our wish-de gozaru."

"It bears a resemblance to Tanabata, doesn't it?" Queationed Reika. Nao just smiles, "You picked a good day to come, Pop!" Then Yayoi brightly yells, "Tonight there's going to be a once-in-centuty meteor shower!" Then Miyuki did a peace sign, "Then why don't we celebrate Tanabata and Pegasus Day together!" Pop freaks out, "Why are you on me?! [Then it shows y/n sighing as Yayoi and Candy hugs Pegasus Pop]" Then he transforms back. "I'm sorry.."

Y/n walked over as Candy asked, "Are you alright-kuru?" Pop groans, "A bit too much for my back to take, I'm Afraid..." Then Akane holds a paper, "Come on, Pop! You'd better write a card out, too!'' "A card?" Y/n holds her purple paper slip, 'Is our group just having our themed colors?'

"You have to write your wish on a card, and hang it from thr bamboo," explained Reika. Nao explained further, "And once we've all hung up our cards, we can go watch the meteor shower!"

Candy hops onto the table with y/n holding Pop up, "I wanna write a wish too-kuru! Can I write as many wishes as I want-kuru?" Miyuki answers, "Oh course you can! Whatever you want to wish for!" "Hooray!"

"We've already written some, actually. [Shows her paper] "I hope we'll be able to revive the Royal Queen.""

""I hope that we can save Marchenland.""

Y/n places Pop down on the table as she begins to write down her wish on the paper with a sigh wondering if it'll work or not.

"Oh, my-de gozaru!"

""I hope I can find a lot of wonderful new stories to enjoy! - Miyuki""

""Bring on the customers, bring on the profit! - Akane""

""I hope I can get even better at drawing - Yayoi""

""I hope I can go on a vacation with my family. - Nao""

""I hioe the path u follow remains noble and just. - Reika""

Nao and Akane sweatdrops, "That doesn't sound like much of a wish..." "More like a resolution to me..."

"Is that so?"

"That's Reika we know," commented y/n as she finished writing her wish, 'I think I'll only use one...'

"Right, let's hang these up!"

The group began to place the papers on the bamboo tree.

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