Chapter 12: Abigail

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Y/n looked up to see the portal still on and it falls onto the ground. Then dust spreaded.

Y/n opened her eyes as she coughed. Then Baymax and Hiro came back as Baymax drops Callaghan on the ground. The group turns to see the portal still sucking up pieces.

Hiro shouted, "It's still on! We have to shut it down!" Krei yelled, "We cant! The containment field is falling. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!" Y/n was still staring at the portal as Hiro said, "We need to get out of here, now!" Y/n heard the group run as she turned. That's when she saw Baymax standing there. Hiro yelled, "Baymax! Y/n!"

Baymax: My sensor is detecting signs of life.

"What?" Questions Hiro.

Baymax: Coming from there.

As Baymax pointed to the portal.

Baymax: The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper-sleep.

Hiro says, "Callaghan's daughter. She's still alive." "Abigail." Then Hiro went on Baymax's back as he says, "Lets go get her." Krei retorted, "The portal is destabilizing. You'll never make it." Hiro turned his head to him, "She's alive in there. Someone has to help. [Turns to Baymax] What do you say, buddy?"

Baymax: Flying makes me a better health care companion.

Y/n sighs as she watched the two leave.

༻𓊈𒆜timeskip 𒆜𓊉༺

The group seed Hiro with the pod leave the portal as they went over to him. Y/n yelled, "Hiro!" Fred yelled, "Yeah! They made it!" Y/n noticed that Baymax wasn't there, "Baymax?" Hiro looked away with a sad frown as he shook his head.

Y/n felt tears but kept it in as she crossed her arms looking down as the group was also sad.


Y/n wore her normal clothes as she folded her butterfly hero suit as she placed it in a box. Hiro asked, "So, what are you going to do now? Since you said you were going to travel." Y/n smiles as she looked to him, "Well, I think I want to learn myself and what I truly wanted." Hiro nods as he said, "Well, good luck on your travels, n/n." Y/n smiles as she placed the box in his garage and then she hugged him, "I wish you luck with your hero job." Hiro then hugged her.

Y/n waved and says her goodbyes to everyone as she leaves the town.

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