Chapter 9

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—---------------------------------------------------------"Look at you! A stupid crybaby to boot!"

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"Look at you! A stupid crybaby to boot!"


"You're just holding them back!"


"You useless wimp!"


Then Beauty yelled making Joker fully awake, "Silence!" Making Candy look to her and Ulric becoming silent. "Candy has been nothing but resolute in her desire to help us! I can think nothing in this world that is more important... than doing what one can for one's friends!" Happy asked, "Huh? Did something happen with you two?" Beauty explained as she stood up helping y/n up, "Candy's been suffering in silence... wondering how she can be of use to us all... wishing she could fight with us..."

Candy only looked down, "Kuru..."


"I didn't know you were suffering like that..."

"I'm sorry, Candy..."

'Why did she tell me? I've could've comforted her... I guess if she doesn't want to make herself a burden?' Thought y/n. Ulric laughs, "What's to be gained by standing up for that little whelp?"

Miyuki defended, "It's not about what we can gain from her... Just having her by my side makes me ultra happy!"


"When Candy's all bright and happy, it puts a smile on my face!"


"I won't let you make fun of how hard she tries!"


"It's thanks to Candy that we were all brought here together! Without her, we'd never have gotten this far!"


"We will not just let you hurt her..."

All: "And get away with it!"

Then the four bubbles bursts freeing the four girls as it made a blast of wind.

"I... I... I want to help the Precure too-kuru!" Yelled Candy.

As her head glowed as it bursts out six more charms.

Happy - Heart
Sunny - Circle
Peace - Star
March - Diamond
Beauty - Starish shape
Joker - Pentagon

The girls caught the Charms as Y/n looked at it. Sunny asked, "What are these...?" Happy smiled, "They're new Cure Decors!" Beauty agreed, "Perhaps Candy's strength of feeling has given birth to a newfound power..."

That's when Ulric yelled, "I don't know what's going on, so just pulverize them, Akanbe!" Then the girls put the Cure Decors in their make-up pact and they put their hands together: "Precure...Rainbow... Healing!" As a blast of rainbow shot out at the Akanbe.

(Note: their crowns also changed)

Ulric flips backwards onto a tree, "Damn it, Joker! This isn't what you promised!" As he disappeared from the scene.

Everything went back to normal, however they were lucky that the three little boys were at the store instead. "Candy!" Yelled Happy as Candy hopped into Joker's arms. "Girls!" "Thank goodness you're safe, Candy!" "Even you don't know Candy?"
Meanwhile Rascal was floating in the air as he spoke, "That white purifying light and that fairy... They might be a clue that leads to the Miracle Jewel..." Then he disappeared as the girls transformed back to normal.

"We didn't get a new Cure Decor, either..."

"I suppose because it had that blue nose."

"But hey, we got a power-up out of the deal!"

"Our great teamwork let us win!"

Then y/n stopped walking, "I guess it did... After all, there's seven of us as Precure." "Kuru?" Miyuki smiled, "Right, Candy?" "Kuru!" "Candy. You can come on that field trip with us!" "Kuru!"

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