Chapter 39

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—---------------------------------------------------------"We've worked so hard on this movie! We are not gonna let you ruin it! Come on, girls!"

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"We've worked so hard on this movie! We are not gonna let you ruin it! Come on, girls!"

- After transforming -

"Come on out, Hyper Akanbe!"

The akanbe took form as a movie camera.

"I feel super strong now-oni!" Yelled Brute. Joker narrows her eyes. Happy yelled, "A black nose again?!" "Be on your guard," said Beauty.

"I'm gonna beat those Precure to a pulp-oni!"

The group ran at the Akanbe until Brute yelled, "Stop!" Then he suddenly presses a button making the girls stop.

"What the-?!"
"I can't move!"

"Rewind!" Yelled Brute as he pressed a button.


"We stopped... but now I can't move.."

Beauty says, "I'm forced to interpret that his Akanbe has the ability to control our actions..." "Ain't that cheating?" Questioned Sunny. Peace panicked, "What are we going to do?" Then Brute ran forward, "Time to finish you!"

Before Brute cane run at the group, pop shouted, "Halt!" As he stepped in front of the group. "Pop?"

"Who are you?" Questioned Brute. Pop says pulling out his sword, "Your countless acts of violence will not go unpunished-de gozaru! I will pass judgment! To battle!" He then runs and then jumps, "The Order of Marchen's Fairy Slash-de gozaru!" Then the blade broke, "You broke my blade! My beloved Marchen Masamune!" "The heck kinda name is that?! Besides, it's only a prop!" Then Candy jumped, "Leave this to me-kuru!"

She puts the elephant Decor on the Royal clock.

Royal Clock: Lets Go: Elephant!

"Go get him," Yelled Candy. The Elephant spits out water at the Akanbe. Brute laughs, "You call that an attack-oni?" Then something broken, "Oni? What happened-oni?!" Reika explained, "The camera's an appliance. It's destroyed if it gets wet!" Yayoi proudly says, "Nice one, Candy!" "Kuru!"

Them the Akanbe fell down as Brute Panicked, "Oh crap, I hut fast forward by mistake!"

"Whoa, we're going super fast!"

"Alright then, let's take him!"

"Ready? Go!"

The group and the Akanbe began to fight.

"They're even faster than normal now!" Yelled Brute. Then got kicked in the face as it broke the fast forward button. "Now, we're back to normal speed!"

Happy then yelled, "Everyone's put their heart and soul into this movie! We'll protect it... no matter what!"

After defeating the akanbe with the Royal clock.

Brute flew out of there coughing, "These black noses really tire you out-oni! I'm done with your stupid movie, anyway-oni!" Brute disappeared as everything went back to normal.

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