Chapter 43

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—---------------------------------------------------------"What's happening?" Asked Happy

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"What's happening?" Asked Happy. Peace was worried, "This world is falling into a Bad End..." The Monster growls as a gust of wind goes by as the girls stood their ground.

Joker says, "We've gotta stop those giants, and fast." Akane asked, "But how the heck are we gonna do that?!" Then Royal Candy turns her head to them, "Don't worry-kuru. I'll stop the giants-kuru." Happy questioned about it as Candy turns back and floats high in the air.

Pop spoke, "Let the New Queen of Marchenland... Let Royal Candy handle this-de gozaru!" Then suddenly Royal Candy had a sudden golden glow to her as it did the same to the giants. "Whoa..."

"She stopped the giants," said March. Beauty says what y/n was thinking, "The Queen's power is truly formidable." Then suddenly a big black ink puddle started to take form. Pop says in shock, "That's...!"

Then it took form of their biggest enemy as it says in a booming voice, "I am the Emperor Pierrot. I shall bestow a Bad End upon all."

"It's Pierrot-de gozaru!"

Then Pierrot has a darkish purpleish aura around him as it did to the monsters as well. So Royal Candy and Emperor Pierrot fought between each other for the monsters.


Then suddenly black mass of ink started to form into weird monsters.

Emperor Pierrot: The Precurr Book and Y/n will be mine, and the future will be besmirched with a Bad End!

"We have to work together and protect our future!" Yelled Happy.

The girls nod as they jump into battle as Pop holds the Precure Book, "I shall keep the Precure book safe-de gozaru!"

Meanwhile the Precure was fighting, I'll put talking.

Emperor Pierrot: All shall fall into despair... Your world shall experience its worst possible conclusion, a Bad End!

Royal Candy: Not while I'm around-kuru!

March: March Shoot Impact!

Sunny: Sunny Fire...  Burning!

Beauty: Beauty Blizzard... Arrow!

Peace: Peace Thunder... Hurricane!

March: Sunny!

Sunny: On it!

March + Sunny: Precure... Fire Shoot!

Beauty: Peace!

Peace: Leave it to me!

Beauty + Peace: Precure... Thunder Blizzard!

Happy: Joker!

Joker: I'm here.

Happy + Joker: Precure... Happy Card Shining!/.

The girls were huffing as Joker didn't realize that she was tired
The monsters formed together as Happy yelled, "What's happening?!" "They're just coming right back!" "We'll never beat them like this!

Pierrot: Abandon all thought. Contemplate your situation all you will, but you cannot escape it. You have met your match. All you can do is curse your powerlessness. There is no bright future for you. Do not delude yourself with impossible dreams.

Happy: That's not true! Pierrot... What on Earth are you?!

Pierrot: I am resentment.

Joker: Resentment?

Pierrot: I am born of the negative emotions of all living creatures. Surely you must've experienced them too. Hatred. Anger. Sadness. Loneliness. As long as you humans exist, those feelings will course through your veins. It is the story of despair.

Happy: The story if despair...?

Pierrot: That incessant negatively evolves into an eternal despair that will consume the entire world. It shall rob you of all motivation, and your race shall fall into sloth... Your future is clouded by darkness! Resentment... negative emotions... The sadness of all humanity's become one big beast... That beast is Pierrot...

"How are we meant to fight against that? Against the story of despair?"

Then explosions as Pop yelled, "My friends!" Then the cliff he stood on got exploded as he fell down as the book got out of his hands. The book Then opened to a blank page.

Pierrot: Sink into despair!

Then suddenly he puts black ink on the blank pages. "No! The Precure Book...!"

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