Chapter 4

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—---------------------------------------------------------Miyuki shouts, "This is their special spot! We are not going to let you ruin it!" Ulric smirked, "Special spot? Bah! It's just a forest! [Looks to the tree monster] Get them, Akanbe!"

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Miyuki shouts, "This is their special spot! We are not going to let you ruin it!" Ulric smirked, "Special spot? Bah! It's just a forest! [Looks to the tree monster] Get them, Akanbe!"

Akanbe spoke as he ready his fist, "Akan... be!" He tries to hit them, but the six girls jumps up (however since y/n is from the demon slayer universe but can't remember, she jumps higher) with Happy yelling about how she forgot about how high she could jump.

"Akan.. [Readys to hit the girls] be!" He hits only five out of six of the girls. Ulric thought he hit six, "You really don't know what's good for you, do you? Besides, how does saving this forest even begin to help you?" Happy coughed as she slowly got up, "Maybe it's just some forest to you.... But tp them, it's where their friendship blooms! Where they play and talk together! [Stands up as the dust clears] It's the most amazing, special place in all the world!"

Ulric didn't notice that Joker was there as he yelled, "Oh, will you give it a rest already? Just try and stop me, if you can!" Candy shouts, "Happy, you gotta purify the Akanbe-kuru!" Miyuki nods as Joker popped out of nowhere and kicked Ulric and the two fought.

While the two fought, y/n kicked him as he slides to a stop. Y/n backflips away from him just to hear Happy yell, "Happy Shower!" "Akanbe!"

"You did it-kuru! Now we've got the Ring Decor too-kuru!" Yelled Candy. Y/n stopped her fighting stance, because Ulric teleported out of there. So the group detransforms.

Child 1: Now it's time to play tailor!

Child 2: Okay!

Miyuki spoke, "Hay, I've got an idea!"
"Why don't we just ask the book-gates? We just have to wish for them to take us to a good secret base!" Yelled Miyuki.

Akane agreed, "Hey, that ain't a half bad plan." Y/n sighed, "Alright, let's do it." Akane put her hands together, "We're counting on you, book-gates!" Reika giggled, "Saying it out aloud is not necessary." "Huh?" Yayoi agreed, "Wishes are things to keep in your heart."

"Huh? Really...?"

"Geez, Akane..."

Miyuki giggles as she opened the portal.
They went through the portal to only come back to the library. Candy was confused, "We're back in the Wonder Library-kuru...." Akane asked, "Are the book-gates broken or something? I was concentratin' really hard! "Take us to a super fun place just for us..."" Everyone minus Miyuki and Y/n were agreeing due to them being confused.

Then Miyuki spoke with pride, "Then this has gotta be it! [Turns to the group] Our secret spot was here the whole time!" The four girls looked to her as Yayoi had a ':o' face, "You mean like... here here." Miyuki smiled and nodded, "We really shouldn't have been so worried about what the place was like... As long as we're all together having fun, then it's all we could ever need! I bet that's what the Wonder Library was trying to tell us..."

Akane agreed walking over to a mushroom, "Guess you've got a point. This place really does calm ya down." Nao nods in agreement, "Besides, I can't think of anywhere more secret than this!" Y/n sat on the ground as Reika sat on a mushroom, too.

"Well said," commented Reika.

Miyuki noticed that they were slightly far away from each other, "Maybe we should move... a bit closer through...?" Akane shouted due to being the far one, "Huh? What'd you say!?"

Y/n stood up taking out the Decor Decor, "I think we can use the Star Decor." Miyuki looked to her, "Okay?" Y/n took the Star Decor and used it on her make-up pact as it shouted, "Let's go: Star!" It made a blast of golden into the air as it rained down golden stars down to them."

They then turned to the tree log to see it glow very golden as it transformed into a hunt. Y/n puts away the Star Decor back into the Decor Decor. Miyuki opened the door to show a spacious place. The group gasped as Nao asked herself, "We really have thus all to ourselves?"

Akane hugged both Candy and Y/n, "Hey, Candy, Y/n! Why didn't you two tell us before we could've done this?! We wasted all that time." "Kuru." Miyuki commented, "I don't think it was a waste. I mean, visiting all those places helped us realize how amazing the Wonder Library is." Akane agreed smiling, "I guess you're right."

Nao smirked, "Who was it who first objected to this place, again?" Akane looked to her, "Hey, ain't no need for that!" Then Candy got out of Akane's hold and suddenly took out a jewelry maker (idk what it is), "Reika, decorate it with these-kuru!"

Then later, the whole group had mugs that fit their colors, Nao spoke, "I guess we've finally found our own secret spot." "Guess so!" "Well then, a toast to our secret base, the Wonder Library!" "Cheers!"

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