1: Rise of Snakes

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Info: The ninjas are snapped out of their post-heri complacency when Lord Gramadon's son Lloyd and his two friends Aiya and Ray shows up and tries to pick up where his father left off on.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Y/n was punching in the air until she heard Wu open the door to the court yard as she looked to him in confusion. Wu asked, "Where are the others?" Y/n pointed into the hallway, "They're playing games." Wu nods as he leaves.

Y/n picked up her Katana as she saw it nipped. Y/n sighs as she left to go clean her Katana.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ timeskip ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Y/n was watching Nya as she was training herself. Thats until Nya smacked herself with the fake axe as she fell onto the ground. Y/n puts away the Katana as she heard Jay chuckles, "Uh, hey nya, you getting closer to beating your brother's speed score?" Jay helps nya up as she rubbed her head, "Ah. I'm getting there. Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?"

Kai answered, "Yeah. Uh, but we're gonna need the space. Sorry, sis." Y/n was standing next to Nya as Cole yeets a helmet at Jay's head which y/n caught. Jay nervously chuckles, "Thanks y/n." Y/n just nods as she handed him the helmet as he took it. Cole says, "Two matches, then the winners of each face off for the title. Armor's for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do."

Kai turns to the two girls as he asked, "Hey, Nya, Y/n, wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?" Nya answers as she holds y/n's left arms, "No, thanks. I think the two of us will just visit Jamanakai Village. [Walks away while dragging y/n] Knock yourselves out." Y/n just let's her drag her.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:..*:..。o○ Timeskip ○o。..:*..:*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Y/n and Nya were walking as y/n picks up a watermelon as Nya was amazed that she can hold it with one hand. Y/n just shrugs until they heard the villagers yelling. Y/n puts the watermelon back as Nya questioned, "What now?"

They see the villagers running back into their homes as y/n saw a little boy that was wearing black as he yelled, "Take the Candy! Take it all!" He laughed as y/n raised a eyebrow.

That's until they saw two snakes and y/n only widen her eyes when she say a crow and another child, a female. 'Wait, who are they? How come I feel like I remember them?' Y/n and Nya quickly his as they listened to the two snakes.

Snake 1 says, "This makesss no sense, general. Raiding an entire town for sssweets?" General yelled, "You will do asss I command, because I hold the ssstaff." Y/n hummed as she thought of a plan as Nya just drags her with her to safety.

They saw the ninja as they went to them. "Nya? Y/n?" Questioned Kai. "Youre okay!“ yelled jay. Nya retorted, "Barely. They've hypnotized everyone in town." Jay asked, "Mind vontrol? How is this possible?" Y/n responded as she explained, "Once they rattle their tails, don't even look at their eyes. That's how they get you."

Jay complained, "What are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha! Perfect." Nya said, "The snake with the staff is the general. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the antivenin. If we can get that, we can save everyone." Kai then says, "Look, guys. Forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make sense I proud. The four of us, we're a team." Cole raised a arm, "Now you're talking." Jay looks at the two girls, "Oh, Nya and Y/n, you two can bring our honorary member." Y/n shrugs as Nya crossed her arms, "Gee, thanks."

So the group were jumping on the rooftops as they begin to fight the snakes. Meanwhile the girl and Crow stare in shock and surprise at the fact as y/n was actually there.

Cole then kicks the general as the general dropped the staff as Cole said, "Go ahead, give me a reason." Cole walks to grab the staff as the General runs away. Y/n saw the snake that was yelled at by the General as she saw Cole just standing there. Y/n quickly kicked the Snake away as Nya yelled, "Cole! You have three antivenin." Cole grunts as he shook his head, "By golly, you're right."

Nya points to the fountain as Cole places it on the Waters. It spreads which cures everyone in the village. Y/n was tasked with making sure the villagers were okay and not wounded.

Then she followed the group and wu as they leave. Wu said, "We must return to the monastery." Nya sighed, "When are we gonna get our own dragon?" Wu answers, "Patience, Nya. Both of your times will come."

◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡ Villain POV♡⋆♡●⑅⃝◌

Siya holds Ray as she was next to Lloyd as he said, "Uh, candy. I need candy." Aiya looked down to Ray who looks back up to her as he shakes his head. Aiya began thinking, 'I do believe it was Oka-san! But, she acts so differently... But I hope I'm not wrong.'

Meanwhile the snakes began talking.

General retorted, "The boy and girl set us free." Scales said, "They are children. They are not one of us." General removed Scales hand, "I may not have the staff, but I am still your general. Stand down!" Scales walks away angry.

As one of the snakes came over saying, "You coward. We all know he's under the two children's spell. You are second in command, and still you do nothing?" "Now was not the time. I still hold the key to destroy the ninja, and when I do that, everyone will see it is I who should be control." He laughs as he sees through Cole's sight.

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