Chapter 11

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—---------------------------------------------------------Y/n rolled up her uniforms sleeves because she felt herself began to sweat a bit

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Y/n rolled up her uniforms sleeves because she felt herself began to sweat a bit. Miyuki looked at the building commenting on it. "Is that Tsuutrnkaku Tower?" Asked Miyuki. Reika corrected her, "That's Kyoto Tower, Miyuki-san."

Then the female teacher spoke to the students, "Now, I want you all to be aware were not here for fun. Make sure you don't bother any people around the city. Understood?" The class yelled, "Yes, ma'am!"
"Whoa, it's the Golden Pavilion!" Yelled Miyuki as she had her hands on the rails. Reika explained, "Officially, the temple is actually called the Rokuonji."

"That thing's really made out of gold?"

"I wonder how much it cost?"

Reika continued explaining, "They spent two years restoring the color, from 1985 to 1987. They used approximately 200,000 sheets of gold leaf to do it, at a cost of over 700 million yen." Four out of the girls looked in shock. Nao asked, "How much studying have you done for thus, Reika?" Reika had a blush from this as she coughed, "What? I was enjoying myself, so I got rather..." Then Miyuki looked to the fish, "Hey, guys, look! There's koi in the water!"


"Yeah, look!"

Until she yelled, "Hey, Candy?!" Candy waved her arms as she yelled back, "I didn't want to have to sit in the bus the whole time-kuru!" "We had to travel in groups, we didn't have much choice!" "Hey! Someone will see you!" "Candy!" That's until Miyuki slipped as y/n caught Candy as she fell into the pond.

After some time the camera man said, "Say Cheese!" The class took a photo together as Candy is on Reika's lap as Y/n is sitting between Akane and Miyuki.

After taking a photo Miyuki had tears in her eyes, "Visiting Kyoto in a jersey sucks..." Everyone went back into groups as Y/n pats Miyuki's back to comfort her as Akane pats her shoulder, "Well, that's life. Your uniforms still all wet, so, no helpin' it." Then Yayoi points to somewhere, "Hey, you can get your fortune over there!" That's when Miyuki happily jumped, "Fortunes?! Let's go!" So they went to the fortunes box

Y/n didn't really believe anything, but she'll be giving it a try. "Alright, I'm really lucky!" Said Yayoi. Reika spoke, "So am I, it seems." Nao says as she opened her paper, "Slightly lucky? Eh, it'll do." Akane asked, ""Maybe lucky"? Is that good or bad?" Y/n says monotonely, "Mines a "Maybe".... I wonder what that means? [Looks to Miyuki] What about yours, Miyuki?"

Miyuki giggled, "Like you need to ask! It's gonna be really lucky! [Lifts the paper up] Look, see!" Instead it showed something else as she yelled out in shock, "Atrocious luck!" Y/n tilts her head, "Atrocious?" Nao frowns, "Yup, Ateocious..." Reika said, "I've never actually seen atrocious before." Akane Warner Miyuki, "You gotta watch your step, watch your stuff, and watch your stomach! It's like a misfortune is on parade!" Miyuki was still in shock, "B-but we're on our school trip... I've been looking forward to this for ages..."

"Now you mention it, you did get shouted at on the train."

"And you fell in that pond."

"That I'd quite Atrocious luck."

Akane tried to cheer up Miyuki, "B-but hey, it's kinda good in a way, right?" Nao tried her best, "I mean, you're as bad as it can get! Can only go up from here, right?" "Y-yeah... I guess you're right. I bet the rest of the trip will be tons of fun, right?"




That's until something dropped onto her head as Y/n asked, "Is it raining?" Reika shook her head, "No, it's just bird poop..." Miyuki screams.
"Alright, you have some free time for the rest of the day. Don't be late coming back!" Shouted the teacher.

So then it's free time as Akane commented, "You see this place on TV a lot, don'tcha?" Reika explained, "This is one of Arashiyama's most well-known landmarks, the Togetsu Bridge. It's 154 long in total." Akane said, "You're like a human guidebook, aren't you?"

However Miyuki took out a Camera, "Lets all take a photo here!" She sees someone as she waves them over. The old woman took a photo of the group. After she took it, the group thanked her as the old lady left.

"Lets see..." Then the group notices Miyuki's face got cut off. After many different trys, she still got blurred and cutted off. "Why?! Why can't we at least get one good picture?!" Yelled Miyuki until her camera got turned off.

"The battery died..."
"That was a lovely bath," commented Reika. Meanwhile y/n could only yawn as she felt herself being very tired which she doesn't understand, so she heads to sleep.

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