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The sun shimmered bright on New York City early one morning. Not a cloud hung in the sky, as three massive boats with cranes and trucks arrived at Liberty island, followed by two choppers that hovered over the scene in midair. As the ships were pulled into port, several teams of government agents from the Department of Damage Control began piling off the ships. There were six teams total, the leader of which was Team one, lead by Agent P. Cleary. Other members of team one included Agents Kelly Bradbury, Allen Leigh, Marvin Salazar, and Jessica Rodriguez. Each member of each team was dressed from head to toe in yellow hazmat suits, with the letters, DODC, across the backs.

"Okay listen up!" Cleary announced in front all of the agents through a megaphone. "We have a lot of work to do and not a whole lot of time before that cold snap hits!" He turned and pointed to the Statue of Liberty itself, the scaffolding surrounding it, now lying in ruin. "I want team two, team four, and team six to begin searching the base of the tower!" He raised his arm and pointed toward the top. "Team three and five will carefully make their way to the top and begin searching there!" He then pointed to his own team, team one. "My team will search the surrounding areas." Then he pointed to the giant bronze colored Captain America shield lying halfway in the water. "And examine that shield to be extracted. Anyone any questions?!" He announced. The rest of the teams remained silent for a few moments, then Agents Cleary nodded. "Good. Let's get to work!"

The employees all got to work immediately, with team one already scanning the sand at the base of the tower for any items of interest, finding webs and scorch marks around several areas, which they collected samples of. However, the main point of interest for them, quickly became the giant Captain America shield lying in the water.

"What do you think happened here anyway?" Rodriguez asked her team members.

"Probably the avengers." Salazar replied as he climbed into the shield, before helping Leigh up. "People say they saw lots of lightning. So it could've been Thor."

"Not likely." Bradbury replied as she climbed into the shield. "Thor hasn't been seen since the snap."

"I heard there was a similar problem at a power plant just outside the city." Leigh replied. "Apparently they saw Spider-Man fighting a... lightning monster?"

"Like in London?" Salazar asked as the team slowly made their way across the shield, surveying the scene.

"That was Mysterio." Rodriguez corrected.

"You're still on that?" Bradbury snickered. "You saw the video. Spider-Man killed Mysterio... Mysterio was a hero."

Rodriguez shook her head at that as she picked up an empty glass container off the floor and started labeling it. "Let's just agree to disagree."

Leigh stopped suddenly when he spotted a massive fist sized dent in the shield and sitting a few inches away sat a small puddle of blood.

"I may have a bio sample here!" Leigh called out.

Salazar immediately turned his head and went over to him as he began collecting the blood into a glass vial and stowed it in a heavy duty plastic container, before taking two more samples.

"You think that's Spider-Man's blood?" Salazar asked curiously.

"Not sure yet." Leigh replied. "We'll have to send it in to be analyzed. Not that it'll matter." He shrugged. "Kinda hard to make a DNA match when we don't have an identity to match it to."

"Maybe Spider-Man ISN'T human." Salazar shrugged. "Maybe he's an android Tony Stark made. You know?" Leigh shook his head with a scoff at that. "Like Vision."

Leigh shook his head at that. "Maybe."

The DODC remained at Liberty island all day, collecting samples from the battle, before clearing the wreckage onto massive ships to be carried away along with the giant shield. At the end of the day, all of the teams got back on the ships and returned to the DODC headquarters to put their findings in storage.

Spider-Man: Nobody Home (18+)Where stories live. Discover now