Chapter 5: Bruce Wayne

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Peter, Raven, and Dick made their way back down to the first floor of the massive manor. Peter stared at the architecture, still in awe at every new corner of the mansion they passed by.

"Are you gonna have that look on your face EVERY time we leave the room?" Raven asked with an amused smirk.

"Probably, yeah." Peter gave a quick nod after that.

"Can't say I blame you." Dick added with a smirk. "I never quite got used to it either. I think the only ones who are are Bruce and Alfred."

Peter lit up at that and pumped his fists into the air. Raven knew what was coming, and rolled her eyes in amusement. "Aha! It IS Bruce Wayne, isn't it?" He turned to Raven with a proud smirk. "I knew I was right!"

Raven gave a confused chuckle as they neared the dining hall. "I already knew... Like a long time ago."

"Oh right." Peter stopped talking as they stepped into the dining room.

It was a grand room with many vases and statues around the room, spaced out evenly. The table was massive and looked like it could easily seat twenty people or more. At the head of the table, Peter noticed a large painting of an older couple and a young boy, overlooking the table.

Peter's jaw dropped again. "Woah!" He breathed out. "This place is huge!" He said excitedly.

"You should've seen Beastboy when we came here." Raven replied with a smirk.

Peter chuckled at that as he and Raven took a seat next to each other near the head of the table, while Dick sat across from Peter. "Why? What did he do?"

"He got too excited and changed into a monkey." Dick replied with an embarrassed shake of the head. "Theeeen he proceeded to break nearly six of Bruce's grandfather's vases."

Peter cringed at that. "Oh boy. I bet that was scary."

"Oh yeah." Dick nodded. "Alfred was FURIOUS."

Peter chuckled at that in confusion. "Alfred? Not the Bat?"

Dick nodded. "Bruce may own it, but Alfred runs it. So he's kind of the boss."

"Only because SOME of us have more important things to do with our time." Came the voice of a young male behind them.

Peter looked over in confusion to see a young teen with dark hair, and after a few seconds recognized the boy to be Jason Todd out of uniform.

Dick gave a casual wave to the young boy as he circled around the table to sit next to him. "Oh hey, Jay. What's up?"

"Not much." Jason shrugged as he sat down. "Why are you and your stupid friends here?"

Peter flashed Jason a smirk. "Well that's because SOME of us have more important things to do with our time."

Jason glowered at Peter and shook his head. "Oh great. I thought I recognized Spider-boy over there."

"Spider-MAN!" Peter corrected with a sly smirk. "But, hey, he remembers me. I'm touched."

Jason folded his arms at that and snickered back at him. "How could I forget the look on your face when the old man pummeled you?"

Peter deadpanned at that while Dick snickered with the younger Robin. Raven simply rolled her eyes and shook her head in annoyance at the exchange.

"So how's the Robin life treating you?" Dick asked. "You getting sick of it yet?"

Jason scoffed at that. "Are you kidding? I get a sweet mansion AND I get to beat up on scumbags whenever I want? Whats not to like?"

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