Chapter 29: The Tale Of Raven

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The sky was cast in a dreary grey color one morning as a storm blew through the city. Rare as it was, the rain seemed relentless whenever it DID come. The streets were far less crowded than usual with most of the locals holed up at home or at work, while the hustle and bustle was left to the visitors.

On the west end of the city, Titans Tower erected out of the water on its small island, where the Teen Titans went about their days. Roy hid away in his room, lounging about listening to music. Speedy and Beastboy played a video game against each other while Cyborg watched, intending to play the winner. Starfire lounged in her room watching her favorite earth program, world of fungus. Dick stayed in the computer lab, hard at work as always, or at the very least, trying to FIND something to do.

Meanwhile, Raven sat in her room as she had for the past few days. Her legs propped up a book as she tried her hardest to keep herself distracted.

However, such a task seemed nearly impossible the past few days. She would leave her room occasionally to get food or tea, but only if she knew she wouldn't run into the others. EVERY person and room in the tower reminded her of only one thing.


Every time that happened, she remembered their argument. The frustration and cruelty in his words stuck to her. The cold way he broke up with her, just like that. Something nearby would often explode as a result of the emotional distress this caused her.

Because of these things, she did her best to NEVER leave her room. Spending most of her time meditating or reading. However on this day, as the rain poured down outside the window, she sat in her bed, trying to become lost in the book she chose.

Until that too, became problematic. A simple line in her book reminded her of Peter.


Even in her books, she couldn't escape the heartache.

Her bedside lamp suddenly began to rumble, while enveloped in her black aura. Raven took a long deep breath, trying to calm herself. However, her attempts were in vain as the lamp suddenly exploded with a loud pop.

Raven grumbled to herself in frustration, then she grabbed the book and hurled it across the room with a huff. She watched as the book collided with the wall, sending pages flying everywhere.

"Ugh!" She grumbled, rubbing her temples stressfully. "Great!" She huffed as she rose from her bed and stormed over to her bedside table. "Fuck this... I need to get out of here."

She opened her top right drawer and the only thing inside was her decorative black handheld mirror. She went over to her bed and held it close to her chest as she shifted into a meditative stance and gently closed her eyes.

Raven took a few deep breaths to ease herself, soaking in the silence, trying to turn it into tranquility.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She calmly chanted.

Then, she opened her eyes to see the scene had changed around her. Her bedroom in Titans Tower was gone and now she sat on a stone surface floating in a sea of glowing red cosmos. The place was a representation of her mind, and it felt like forever since she had been here. She looked up over her head and noticed that more cosmos had appeared since the last time she had been here. More red taking over her field of vision.

She looked up to see the next platform above her and flew herself up to the platform. Now a winding stone path lied before her, leading to another, more expansive stone surface complete with dead trees and grey mountains in the distance.

Raven quietly walked along the path, taking in the silence around her. She hoped the solitude of it all would ease her tension. However, as it began to sink in and she was left alone with her thoughts for long enough, her mind inevitably went to Peter.

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