Chapter 32: When That Light Hits The Sky

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Batman looked around the room after hearing the details from The Penguin about the card game and the subsequent attack that took place after.

"He didn't happen to say where he was going next, did he?" Batman asked in a demanding tone.

The Penguin scoffed at that. "It's like I said... Two-Face got pissed, then Spider-Man kicked all our asses. I wasn't exactly conscious for the rest, genius."

Batman peered at him after that, before pressing his palm to the villain's neck and delivering an electric shock to him using his taser glove, that rendered him unconscious.

He stood up after that and turned around, looking across the room. He slowly made his way to the center of the room, where the poker table once stood. Cards and chips were scattered across the floor along with various weapons and bullet casings. However, still not so much as a single dollar bill could be seen in the entire room. He looked to the hallway and noticed a row of holes in the ceiling. He made his way to the bottom of the staircase, before grappling to the ceiling and examining the holes.

They weren't round, like bullet holes, instead they were diamond shaped. The grouping between them was evenly spaced, too perfect to have come from one of Penguin's goons. He immediately recognized the shape, pattern, and depth.

"Selina..." He grumbled to himself, a wave of suspicion washing over him.

Meanwhile across the city, Catwoman climbed through the window of her apartment. Much to her surprise and disappointment, she received no trouble getting back home with her load of stolen cash in hand. She tossed the bag on the bed and walked over to her wardrobe, spilling the cat cowl off her head. After that she reached for the zipper under her chin and started unzipping the leather suit.

However, before she was soon interrupted by a voice from behind her.

"Allow me to interrupt, before you go too far." Came a familiar voice.

Startled, she immediately spun around, only to see the white spider symbol and eye lenses of Spider-Man, with the rest of his black suit blending into the shadows. After that, she heard a click and the lamp sitting on her desk flickered to light, allowing the hero to be seen, sitting in her chair in front of the desk.

A sly grin formed on her face. "I guess I underestimated you." She said in a sultry voice. "I thought I went too hard on you."

She took a step towards him, but was stopped when he webbed her hand to the door of her wardrobe. She looked at her hand in surprise, then back to him with a sultry grin.

"At least take me out to dinner first." She replied.

"Shut it." He grumbled as he rose from the chair and slowly began walking towards her. "I know who you are." He replied, before flinging an envelope at her face what had her name and address on it. "Selina Kyle."

Selina's eyes widened at that and her amorous expression dropped for a moment. Peter continued toward her and stopped mere inches away from her.

"Maybe your tricks are enough to throw off the average chump in this city." He said, leaning closer to her with a threatening gaze. "But not ME."

"So it would seem." She replied with a nervous look, that quickly returned to her sly grin. "So what, you're gonna take me to jail now?"

Peter chuckled at that and shrugged. "Wow I guess you're not as dumb as the rest of the yahoos I deal with." He replied, before webbing the bag into his hand. "I'm not taking you ANYWHERE." He replied. "I'm on a bit of a tight schedule. So sit tight." He said, before turning towards the window.

Suddenly he was stopped when Selina grabbed his free hand and stopped him.

"You know..." She said. "I counted what's in that bag... A little over three hundred grand."

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