Chapter 23: Her

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Peter and the Titans sped through the streets of jump City. Cyborg and Roy rode in the T-Car, with Nightwing following on his motorcycle. Roy watched his communicator with a blinking red light moving throughout a map of the city.

"I'm tracking Raven's location on her communicator." Roy said to the others over his communicator. "We're getting close!"

"And what of Beastboy?" Starfire asked as she flew overhead.

"Still no word." Nightwing replied.

"Judging by his bedroom, whatever took Raven also took Beastboy." Roy replied. "We'll find them. Hear me Peter?"

Peter gritted his teeth as he swung over the T-Car. "Damn right we will, then I'm gonna teach that thing a lesson he WON'T forget."

Roy and Cyborg shared concerned looks, but didn't say anything in response. Then suddenly the dot on the radar stopped moving, so Cyborg and Nightwing came to a stop, surrounding a manhole cover in the middle of the street. Starfire landed beside the vehicles and Peter did soon after.

"The signal stopped, but I don't see anything." Cyborg said with confusion.

Peter peered down at the manhole cover. "That's because the signal is coming from underneath us." He said as he pried off the manhole cover and tossed it aside, revealing the darkened sewer below.

The six of them jumped into the sewer, landing in the dirty water with a splash. Peter looked on ahead of him, then behind them and didn't see anything. He looked to Cyborg as he switched on his light. He looked over the robotic Titan's shoulder at his radar. It appeared as if they were standing mere inches away from Raven's signal. He walked over to the source and plunged his arm into the dirty water, then pulled out Raven's communicator.

"Raven!" Starfire gasped with worry.

"It's her communicator." Dick replied.

Peter looked up again to check for any more signs of Raven. Then he grabbed Cyborg by the shoulder and aimed his flashlight toward the end of the tunnel.

"Woah, yo! What you doin bro?" Cyborg replied in confusion.

"Just shut up and hold still." Peter grumbled, aiming the flashlight toward the end until he spotted a familiar set of claw marks along the wall, just like in Beastboy's room. "Bingo." He said to himself.

Peter shot a web at the far wall and pulled himself to the marks in a single motion. He reached out and felt the deep claw marks, then looked to his left, where the forked tunnel lead. He spotted a set of claw marks dragging further into the dunnel, with a deep snarling growl echoing from further inside.

"Got you now, you mother fucker." Peter grumbled, then he shot a web at the ceiling and swung further on ahead as fast as he could.

"Peter, wait!" Dick shouted, but his pleas were ignored by the black suited Spider-Man as he quickly disappeared from sight. Nightwing looked to the others and motioned for them to follow him. "Come on, we have to catch up with him! Keep your eyes peeled!" The rest of the Titans chased after Peter as fast as they could.

However, Peter was far too fast for them, swinging along the ceiling of the sewer tunnel, until he reached a section that lead straight ahead, with a single tunnel leading to the right, leading him to a dead end. He clung to the ceiling, peering into the darkened room to the right, until he heard the deep snarl again.

"There you are." Peter whispered to himself, before crawling along the ceiling, hidden in the darkness.

As he entered the room he spotted a large creature that was covered in fur with pointed ears hunched over on the far end of the room on a platform outside the water. Peter silently crawled along the ceiling and got closer until he found himself directly above its head.

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