Chapter 13: Massacre At The Sleeping Shark

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Nightwing stepped into the small observation inside the training room of Titan's Tower. His arms folded with an amused smirk on his face. "You guys ready?"

Peter and Wally stood inside the sparring circle on the other side of the glass, their fists raised in a ready stance.

"Ready!" Wally replied, focused on Peter with a confident smirk on his face.

Peter lowered himself into a ready stance and nodded back. "Ready!"

Nightwing nodded. "Begin!"

After he said that, Wally took no time in attacking. He zipped ahead, swinging at Peter in the blink of an eye. However, much to the Speedster's surprise, he hit only air. Peter's Spider Sense tingled just in time for him to lean slightly to the left, using the momentum to deliver a cartwheel kick across Kid Flash's head.

"Woah!" Wally replied, rubbing his head as he rose to his feet.

Peter persisted his attack, swinging him with three quick jabs, that Wally easily dodged. Then the speedster charged at him again with a flurry of quick punches. However, Peter's tingle alerted him of the attack, and he instinctively deflected each of the attacks with ease.

"How'd you do that?" Wally scratched his head in confusion as Dick snickered from the observation room.

Peter flicked his wrist, to try and web his feet, but Wally easily zipped to the side to dodge it. Peter persisted again, shooting a web at him again, but once again hit only air. Kid Flash bolted across the mat in the blink of an eye, appearing suddenly behind Peter. He sweeped his leg at Peter's from behind to try and trip him, but once more Peter's sense alerted him, causing him to front flip over his kick, landing one on the underside of Wally's jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"I guess that's why they call you KID Flash, huh?" Peter taunted cheekily.

"Oh yeah?" Wally replied with a daring smirk, scrambling to his feet.

Then he zipped past him, swinging at him as he ran. Peter leaned back to dodge the attack, then side stepped his next running attack, his spider senses guiding him all the while.

"What..." He said as he zipped past him again and once again was dodged. "The..." He attacked again in vain. "HELL?!"

He stopped and squared off against Peter, who raised his fists and motioned him towards himself with his lead hand.

"Peter tingle." He panted to himself. "You rock."

Wally smiled widely with excitement from the challenge, before sprinting directly at Peter. He unleashed a flurry of lightning fast punches at Peter's head and midsection, which were all deflected with ease at first.

"This doesn't make sense!" Wally shouted with a chuckle, before increasing the speed of his punches.

Eventually, his attacks became too fast for Peter and started landing on his midsection and face with great speed. In a few short seconds, Peter took hundreds of hits, until he doubled over on his knees in pain.

"Argh!" He winced with a chuckle, then waved it off as Wally prepared to attack again. "Okay okay! I yield!" He breathed out, still wincing in pain. "Jeez, that was like a battering ram."

"Winner, Kid Flash!" Nightwing called out with an amused chuckle as he walked out of the observation room.

"You okay?" Wally asked, helping Peter to his feet.

"Oh yeah." Peter said, stretching his sore muscles. "Probably should've seen that coming." He chuckled.

"You're pretty useful for training him, if I do say so myself." Dick said with an amused smirk.

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